I totally agree on your assessment of compatibilism. I often compare it to animal instinct because it appears to be almost identical. A Lion chooses steak over salad because he was created to desire steak and could not willingly do otherwise.
Regarding Arminianism, I don't know that Arminians have ever gotten together and decided what philosophical system best describes their views. In fact, most appeal to mystery with regard to most of the points you seem to raise against them...though I'm sure there are exceptions.
I totally agree on your assessment of compatibilism. I often compare it to animal instinct because it appears to be almost identical. A Lion chooses steak over salad because he was created to desire steak and could not willingly do otherwise.
Regarding Arminianism, I don't know that Arminians have ever gotten together and decided what philosophical system best describes their views. In fact, most appeal to mystery with regard to most of the points you seem to raise against them...though I'm sure there are exceptions.