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The question was asked elsewhere about whether or not the sky is really blue as related to a debate about the love of God. So I will restate my answer for a primary post.
Is the Sky blue or not?
This depends on how one understands perceptions, actual reality, and the laws of contradiction.
If I said that the sky is blue and then said that the sky is NEVER blue, that is an explicit contradiction.
If I said that the sky is blue, and then said sky is not blue, that is an apparent contradiction but it can be explained because of surrounding circumstances like the sky turns black at night time, or turns red during bad weather (Matt 16:2).
An exception to the first analogy is for a person that is color blind or has a vision problem that confuses colors. THAT person can honestly say, "the sky is not blue" because he truly can not see the correct color of the sky. But the argument does not alter the truth about the sky, the problem isn't the sky, it's the physical ailment the person suffers from.
What the Calvinist does it load statements among explicit contradictions. The Calvinist view of the love of God is a perfect example where the Calvinists claim that God makes a "Bona Fide Offer" of salvation to all sinners, and that God offers Himself in good faith.
1. Only those elected can actually accept the offer of salvation
2. Not all are elect
3. Not all persons can actually accept the offer of salvation and be saved.
[Bona Fide Offer]
4. God makes a bona fide offer to all persons
5. A bona fide effort is an offer that can actually be accepted by the person to whom it is offered
6. All persons can actually accept the offer of salvation and be saved.
The bona fide offer MUST conclude that all persons can accept the offer, which leads to the conclusion that all persons can (not will) accept the offer and be saved. Number 6 is a blatant and explicit contradiction with Number 3.
This in turn forces Calvinists to explain terms ambigously by flip flopping between compatibalist and libertarian views of freedom.
John Calvin:
"There is the general call, by which God invites all equally to Himself through the outward preaching of the word-even to those to whom He holds it out as a savor of death and as the occasion of severer condemnation. The other kind of call is special which he designs for the most part to give to the believer alone..yet sometimes he also causes those whom he illumines only for a time to partake of it; and then he justly forsakes them on account of their ungratefulness and strikes them with even greater blindness" -Institutes 3.24.8
God COULD HAVE determined those under the general call to have responded, but yet does not so that He may punish them MORE SEVERELY. So the Calvinist here ascribes LIBERTARIAN FREEDOM to the reprobate sinner in his rejection of the gospel, and compatibalist freedom when attempting to demonstrate that those whom receive the special call can not resist the grace of God.
As Calvinist DA Carson points out,
"When I have preached in Reformed circles, I have often been asked the question, 'do you feel free to tell unbelievers that God loves them?' ...OF COURSE I tell them that God loves them"
No Calvinist can be honest to their theology, and tell any unconverted sinner that God loves them with a straight face, and that is THE biggest problem with Calvinism is their total distorted view of the nature of God. The Calvinist explains the universal love of God in terms of "the rain falls on the just and the unjust" as if MATERIAL BLESSINGS compared to ETERNAL DAMNATION proves the love of God.
"Hey sinner, God sends rain on your land and he says whosoever will may come even though you must be elect to be saved. If you want to come you can, but you won't want to come because you're not elect".
As Walls points out in his analogy:
"A scientist holds an experiment for 30 years where he gives them money, the best food, the best living arrangements, and then at the end of those 30 years gives them a chemical that kills them. Did he REALLY love them merely because he provided good things for them for all those years?"
Calvinists deceitfully tell sinners God loves them in a manner that they will understand, that is compatible with their view of love , when the Calvinist does not truly believe that God loves them.
Calvinism vacillates between things that God COULD do, but does not define the character of God in terms of what God WOULD do. Instead of asking "How would a God of perfect love express His sovereignty?" the Calvinist asks, "How does a sovereign God love?"
Calvinism views God in primary terms of sovereignty. However, sovereignty implies Kingship, and God was not ruling over anyone before He created anything. But before God created anything and was therefore sovereign over creation, there was love among the 3 persons of the Trinity. The nature of a perfect loving God can not WANT and DESIRE the damnation of sinners for eternity (2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 18:23). God must judge sin, but sin does not have to exist for God to prove He is God. God COULD HAVE made the "effectual" call to ALL, but according to Calvinism, He didn't WANT to, and God arbitrarily chose to WANT to save some, and DESIRE the damnation of the rest. The caricature that Calvinism has created of God is one that depends on evil to prove His sovereignty, and therefore evil is a necessary element in the demonstration of God's sovereignty.
That is a fundamentally gross caricature of the very nature of God and the love that existed within the Trinity before God was sovereign over creation.
Is the Sky blue or not?
This depends on how one understands perceptions, actual reality, and the laws of contradiction.
If I said that the sky is blue and then said that the sky is NEVER blue, that is an explicit contradiction.
If I said that the sky is blue, and then said sky is not blue, that is an apparent contradiction but it can be explained because of surrounding circumstances like the sky turns black at night time, or turns red during bad weather (Matt 16:2).
An exception to the first analogy is for a person that is color blind or has a vision problem that confuses colors. THAT person can honestly say, "the sky is not blue" because he truly can not see the correct color of the sky. But the argument does not alter the truth about the sky, the problem isn't the sky, it's the physical ailment the person suffers from.
What the Calvinist does it load statements among explicit contradictions. The Calvinist view of the love of God is a perfect example where the Calvinists claim that God makes a "Bona Fide Offer" of salvation to all sinners, and that God offers Himself in good faith.
1. Only those elected can actually accept the offer of salvation
2. Not all are elect
3. Not all persons can actually accept the offer of salvation and be saved.
[Bona Fide Offer]
4. God makes a bona fide offer to all persons
5. A bona fide effort is an offer that can actually be accepted by the person to whom it is offered
6. All persons can actually accept the offer of salvation and be saved.
The bona fide offer MUST conclude that all persons can accept the offer, which leads to the conclusion that all persons can (not will) accept the offer and be saved. Number 6 is a blatant and explicit contradiction with Number 3.
This in turn forces Calvinists to explain terms ambigously by flip flopping between compatibalist and libertarian views of freedom.
John Calvin:
"There is the general call, by which God invites all equally to Himself through the outward preaching of the word-even to those to whom He holds it out as a savor of death and as the occasion of severer condemnation. The other kind of call is special which he designs for the most part to give to the believer alone..yet sometimes he also causes those whom he illumines only for a time to partake of it; and then he justly forsakes them on account of their ungratefulness and strikes them with even greater blindness" -Institutes 3.24.8
God COULD HAVE determined those under the general call to have responded, but yet does not so that He may punish them MORE SEVERELY. So the Calvinist here ascribes LIBERTARIAN FREEDOM to the reprobate sinner in his rejection of the gospel, and compatibalist freedom when attempting to demonstrate that those whom receive the special call can not resist the grace of God.
As Calvinist DA Carson points out,
"When I have preached in Reformed circles, I have often been asked the question, 'do you feel free to tell unbelievers that God loves them?' ...OF COURSE I tell them that God loves them"
No Calvinist can be honest to their theology, and tell any unconverted sinner that God loves them with a straight face, and that is THE biggest problem with Calvinism is their total distorted view of the nature of God. The Calvinist explains the universal love of God in terms of "the rain falls on the just and the unjust" as if MATERIAL BLESSINGS compared to ETERNAL DAMNATION proves the love of God.
"Hey sinner, God sends rain on your land and he says whosoever will may come even though you must be elect to be saved. If you want to come you can, but you won't want to come because you're not elect".
As Walls points out in his analogy:
"A scientist holds an experiment for 30 years where he gives them money, the best food, the best living arrangements, and then at the end of those 30 years gives them a chemical that kills them. Did he REALLY love them merely because he provided good things for them for all those years?"
Calvinists deceitfully tell sinners God loves them in a manner that they will understand, that is compatible with their view of love , when the Calvinist does not truly believe that God loves them.
Calvinism vacillates between things that God COULD do, but does not define the character of God in terms of what God WOULD do. Instead of asking "How would a God of perfect love express His sovereignty?" the Calvinist asks, "How does a sovereign God love?"
Calvinism views God in primary terms of sovereignty. However, sovereignty implies Kingship, and God was not ruling over anyone before He created anything. But before God created anything and was therefore sovereign over creation, there was love among the 3 persons of the Trinity. The nature of a perfect loving God can not WANT and DESIRE the damnation of sinners for eternity (2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 18:23). God must judge sin, but sin does not have to exist for God to prove He is God. God COULD HAVE made the "effectual" call to ALL, but according to Calvinism, He didn't WANT to, and God arbitrarily chose to WANT to save some, and DESIRE the damnation of the rest. The caricature that Calvinism has created of God is one that depends on evil to prove His sovereignty, and therefore evil is a necessary element in the demonstration of God's sovereignty.
That is a fundamentally gross caricature of the very nature of God and the love that existed within the Trinity before God was sovereign over creation.