We need to keep in mind that the Doctrines of Grace, or the Five Points of Calvinism, as Calvinism itself is not a complete soteriology but rather a response to an erroneous view of predestination. It is an interpretation of Scripture combined with a reasoning out of the workings of God not specifically revealed in Scripture to focus on a specific challenge.[/QUOTE]
You look at it that way. Others myself included see it differently.yes it was a response...a response to error that today is being celebrated as "another truth", or if these Traditionalists have their way...they would call the truth error and error truth....
JONC....people grow and mature at different levels.....but revealed truth is just that ...Revealed TRUTH...it is not going to change.
The "differences" come about for many reasons, but one reason is not that truth changes.
God desires that once we are saved, that we come to KNOW truth and go into all the world with it making disciples.
I do not see where we are to drift around tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Eph4;
1 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
If unsaved people come into a church and offer the perspectives of the natural man, they are going to be mostly devoid of biblical truth.
If unsaved false professors walk the aisle and make false professions of faith, then are told they are "saved'...they are still going to be goats who the pastor tries to train to make believe if they were sheep what they should say and do, but will have no internal root and eventually will become scandalized....
For a time new Christians in a false teaching church will be hindered and actually be instructed to fight against the truth, which looks like there "traditionalists are trying to do...organize a goat stampede to rid the SBC of those evil Calvinists who come into the church and speak of historic teaching which is not in vogue in Goatville Baptist.
Which brings me to my second point. If we hold Calvinism as if it were Scripture itself then we either elevate man to the level of God or we view Scripture as less complete than SBC doctrine would allow. I find neither acceptable
You speak of only two possibilities here..let me add one more.
What if the confessions of faith come to these scriptural conclusions on the various topics, and Calvin did not exist. We would call these teachings something.....maybe bible truths?....The problem is a Mormon will claim he also has bible truth??

Because someone makes a claim does not mean it is so. The labels are etablished. I and 5 other Cals were recently thrown off a message board because those in control hate anything calvinistic at all...they censor and delete posts, then Put you on a "coffee break" so you can no longer communicate with those on that forum

They cannot handle the truth as it comes out so they censor it.
They fear calvinists will show up in their doctrinally defective churches and bring change, or biblical reform.
Instead they want to have the adults read through little lifeway booklets and never really study much of the bible at all.
Some on this forum say Cals infiltrate and cause division....when in reality the truths offered rise to the top...
But this takes us to my third point. If we do believe that Scripture is deficient and man must rely on a divine special revelation to fill in the blanks, then we are back at a gnostic type of faith – that is a hidden knowledge as a mark of maturity with God revealing knowledge exponentially as the convert grows.
Scripture is not deficient, but we are dependent on the Spirit to open truth. This is not Gnostic, but biblical.
So claim to be Christians but are simply offering carnal philosophy rather than any bible based teaching or a philosophy derived from scripture itself....Leighton Flowers failed on here in he failed to show up in a meaningful way on the romans 9 debate, for this very reason. His posting was that of the imaginary objector that Paul spoke about in Romans 9...Archangel, and Aaron, and many others pointed this out to him...and were given infractions to try and silence them.
And this would be an unbiblical view of Christian maturity. Scripture defines the mark of maturity as a Christ-likeness, not an accumulation of knowledge.
It is not either or, but both and....either person can error this way.
And an Arminian who loves like Christ loved is as about as mature as any Calvinist could hope to become.
I am attending a church that has many such persons in it right now due to providential circumstances.... we are trying to help and come alongside these people and see if we can overcome some differences...as we believe they are believers....it is a mixed situation....