The word "sovereign" is not in the King James Bible; I don't know about the other versions.It is often used to mean that God controls every little detail of existence, event to the point of controlling man's will. God did create all things and He has power and authority over all things. He even designed and instituted "election" and "predestination" but those doctrines don't mean what many think they do. God is almighty.
The Bible says that :"a man's heart deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his steps". He gives us the freedom to choose to believe and obey Him and the freedom to reject Him, but God alone controls the consequences of all of our choices now, and at the Judgement Day. I know the following verse was written to the Jews but, it was also written "for our admonition", the doctrine is the same throughout the Bible and God hasn't changed........
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19
Of course, we should all know that "the LIfe" is Jesus Christ. But here's another note about the above verse that I just noticed: Before the semicolon, it addresses a group by using the plural pronoun "you". After the semicolon it uses "thou", which is singular. In other words, God was giving the invitation for all of them, but it was up to each individual to choose. Someone will say that is Arminianism and some will say it is "works" but it's not: It's faith.