This is your opinion and you are welcome to it.
Thanks for your permission to believe what I believe is correct, something early Calvinists were not known for.
It seems that way to you and some others who resist the teaching of the historic church.It has to seem that way......funny thing is....It seems to me that you and others who reject wholesale the writings of historic teachers and set them aside as if they did not read their bible is quite arrogant and explains why your posts are always missing it.
So then you react when others offer correction.
Historic Calvinists persecuted and often executed those who disagreed with them.
Most believe some portions...some all...others reject it.
Many Calvinists are inconsistent, rejecting Limited Atonement in particular.
Of course I believe it is the truth.It is directly based on scripture,
It is based on carefully selected proof texts, while ignoring any scripture that refutes it. It is no different than the JWs.
In all your have never come close to refuting anypoint scripturally. You post alot and attempt to use scripture but often not correctly. We explain why and you resist the explanations....over and over.
I think honest people would say I have presented much scripture that gives Calvinism a
serious challenge. You simply ignore any scripture that disagrees with Calvinism.
All the confessions and creeds begin with saying the word of God,the scripture is the only rule of faith and practice.It is both arrogant and ignorant to ignore the writing and study of these teachings.
The Reformed creeds are just like Catholic creeds, of course they all agree with each other, but that does not mean they are scriptural. The Catholics can present scripture to support any of their views, but it is often a total misapplication of scripture. Calvinism is exactly the same.
Your posts and others of like mind to you do not come close to offering truth that these godly men offer.
Again, I believe honest and open-minded people would disagree with you and say that I present a convincing argument. In fact, I believe it was HoS that said that not one of you Calvinists has ever refuted any of my arguments.
You simply are not open-minded. You ignore any scripture that refutes Calvinism. For example, when I presented Lev 1:3 to prove that God himself says men have free will, you simply argued that is not what God said. Pretty difficult to argue that "his own voluntary will" does not mean free will, but that is your argument. Absurd to say the least.
I have not said anything along this line. Paul did say to use him as an example. I like his strictly Calvinistic teaching. I just need to understand it Calvinist writers are completely Christ centered.
Paul was not at all Calvinistic. It is Paul that proves faith precedes receiving the Spirit as I have shown in Gal 3:2, Eph 1:13, and Acts 19:2.
It is Paul that proves an unregenerate man can seek God with the story of the Philipian jailer.
Paul does not support Calvinism whatsoever. Many of my arguments against Calvinism come from Paul's writings. You simply ignore them.
There have been many heretics in church history. I do pay attention when people then and now blaspheme the biblical God.
Do you know what the definition of "irony" is?
I will give you credit for finally being honest and owning up to your hatred and rebellion for the God of the Calvinist. It reminds me of this verse:
14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.
There is no "God" of Calvinism. Calvinism is utterly false doctrine.
You state your opinion and worldview here.
I will ask you....if the God of Calvinism is indeed the biblical God.....would you love and worship Him as revealed and taught????
That's your problem, the "god" of Calvinism is not the biblical God. The true God did not choose a certain number of people to save, and choose to pass by all the others unconditionally as you falsely teach. The scriptures say Jesus died for all men and that God is not willing that any man should perish. My God loves all men, your god does not.
You have seen all the scriptures that support God desires all men (meaning 100% of all men) to be saved many times. You ignore them, or you redefine words to misinterpret scripture.
Time will tell. God is not mocked.