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I do not deliberately post false information. To say that I do is to call my integrity into question which is against the bb rules. It is an infraction worth calling another mod's attention to.
My research led me to many who put him in the "hyper-cal" camp. In this I do not believe I am wrong. Even Spurgeon believed he was hyper-calvinistic. If numbers are everything why isn't Joel Oesteen <sic> a Calvinist then? Or, why aren't you part of his flock, since the numbers indicate he must be right. That is your reasoning isn't it?
The misrepresentation is a figment of your imagination.
And you are misrepresenting Joe Oesteen by the same logic??
Even if you don't say anything about him, you should be a follower of him, because he has the numbers to prove it??
Or is it Spurgeon that you misrepresent who also stated that he was hyper-Calvinist? You can't have it both ways.
Good. But I imagine you hold on to quite a bit also.
But I didn't. In my last post I didn't lay such a charge. I retracted anything that was false, but let the truth stand. And yet your thin skin is still hurt and offended so easily.
Then don't make false accusations; infer false accusations; or accuse others of such. This conversation was between you and I. I told you outright that I do not believe in easy-believism. So why are you bringing it up inferring that I do believe in it, accusing me falsely so. I don't believe that, nor does our church practice it. I made that point clearly. You are preaching to the wind.
And just pray tell, who does this?
And who are you talking about??
I really don't know who or what you are talking about. You are not specific. You are making up stories. What you are doing is simply hear-say. According to the Bible that is wrong. Unless you have a specific accusation to make, keep quiet.
A fool opens his mouth and lets everything out of it.
You have done a good job.
Go for it, call the mods and give me one, I'm not going to be intimidated by you in open forum as this is another thing you resort to. This is nothing more than bullying, and within the same thread you also use name calling. Wow. Totally unnecessary. Nothing in the rules says a thing about someone who posts false information is not to be called on it. You posted something without considering whether it is factual. When you posted it without taking into consideration whether it was true or not, it was then deliberate. You've also admitted to this, but now want me to have an infraction. Nothing but an attempt to intimidate yet again. It certainly wasn't accidental, the only accidental part was you believing a lie. Like I told you, look well to your way before you take something as factual. I called you on this false information, next time don't post these things and you won't need to recant.
You've resorted to name-calling? Congrats! I knew you could do it!
How did Joel Osteen get in this conversation? Oh, I see, now you're playing both sides. At first, small numbers were condemning to a Cal Preacher via your false information. NOW that he actually grew, large numbers are proof of not being true. So you go hustle in Joel Osteen to your rescue, then place a snide comment in there that I should maybe join him? When are you going to stop with such ugly tactics DHK? Is it really necessary?
Your first response to mine? Caustic in nature and accusatory. This response? Name-calling. This is the downward spiral oft taken by you. We all know what this means when one resorts to these worldly and fleshly tactics. That's right, the person has lost the battle.
You're minus one today, and losing it also over in your covenant theology argument with Ruiz and Iconoclast. You should really practice this verse: :The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going." Proverbs 14:15
Maybe you should actually know the theology you pretend to know and argue against?
Obviously in several threads you argue against things that you do not understand at all. Quit pretending to have knowledge you don't possess, only the imprudent do this and this is exactly what you are doing. Many have schooled you on theological debates where you don't even understand what the theology teaches, yet you fight against it oblivious to the fact you're fighting something it doesn't teach whatsoever.
Whenever you get beyond the name-calling tactics, I'd perhaps engage with you in dialogue, but then again, perhaps not.
- Peace to you
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