This appears to be one of those instances, according to Calvinism, in which God pretended to have an interest in drawing man, and then got disappointed because no one responded to his make-believe calling.
According to the Bible ( specifically what we find in the "Old Testament" ), the Lord strove with men to absolve Himself of the very thing that you appear to be charging Him with...
"Playing a game of bait-and-switch", and not genuinely extending His hand towards men.
Please see Romans 1:18-32.
Guido, He is worthy of our worship whether or not we, in our corrupt hearts and minds, give Him the glory that He deserves.
He also reserves to Himself the prerogative to have mercy on some, and not have mercy on others.
That is the God of the Bible, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, etc.
The fact that Israel, as a nation, miserably failed despite the many times that the Lord graciously extended His hand towards them, is all on us, as a race...
And only proves what He says about us, as a whole:
" Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? [then] may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil." ( Jeremiah 13:23 ).