"Please stop putting Him in man-made boxes."Utilyan,
God is not a man that He should fear.
Please stop putting Him in man-made boxes.
Men and angels fear...He does not.
What does Yoda and Star Wars have to do with the Bible?
God can be angry, because His word says He is angry.
He can show wrath, because His word says that He does ( Romans 1:18 ).
He can decide to hate, perfectly and for righteous reasons, because His word says that He does ( Romans 9:13, Psalms 5:5, Psalms 10:3, Psalms 11:5, Psalms 45:7 ).
If you don't believe His words, there really is nothing to talk about.
I agree.
His treatment of men does not change, either.
Abel was His child, and Cain wasn't.
Election was a fact from the very first.
If He says He did, then He did.
God is not a man that He should lie ( Numbers 23:19 ).
You already have done that yourself. I'm trying to get you to snap out of it.
Exodus 32
14So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people.
Do you think God changed his mind? DO you think God apologies and feels sorry for stuff?
They uses these words so you could understand. his ways are not your ways.
Isaiah 55
8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
God does not suffer emotions.
Do you think God changed his mind? The guy who already knows how it all is going to happen.
Do you think God has eyes and ears. God the FATHER is fully human too?
Do you think God the Father walks about in the garden?
Do you think God the Father WALKs over to a place to confirm if something is true rather than just know it?
You think God ACTUALLY gets JEALOUS actually believing the grass is greener on the other side?
We know God has a nose, fingers, arms, a back, wings, feathers, his hair is literally wool.
Brother you have a very low concept of OMNISCIENCE and OMNIPOTENT.
Your idea of God is practically pagan in origin.
When you KNOW everything it is IMPOSSIBLE to get angry.
The only reason anyone gets angry is because THEY ARE FRUSTRATED and without SOLUTION to avoid the suffering.
So you inadvertently believe God is ignorant.
Do a study google Jewish anthropomorphism or christian anthropomorphism.