He no way DEPENDS on me. He is, however unbelievably, willing to use me. Nor do I save anyone. However I can point the way to salvation in Christ. There is no one who has ever lived that Christ did not die for. However it is up to them to accept or reject that gift. I cannot give the gift to them. Only Christ can, through the Holy Spirit. But I can tell them about it and I can show them Christ in my life in kindness and love.
Do you claim that people have free-will...yes or no?
You claim things that are tantamount to "God does not save people, He lets people come to Him and save themselves".
Is it now changed? Does God actually save people or not? Does the Holy Spirit actually go into people by the will of the Spirit or by the will of people? Does He save or does He sit and wait to save?
My simple point is that your claims are likened in that God makes no effectual affect upon people lest it violate their free-will stuff.
But you claim you are ready and willing to go out and preach to save people all of your own accord and free-will.
It is as if God has to wait for to to plead with Him to use you before He will use you.
So who is sovereign here, you or God? Who cares more about saving people, you or God?
To you, God simply sits back and waits for people to willingly come to Him.
But to you, you are rip ready and full of zeal to go and preach (supposedly).
Are you ignorant of what we are saying or being intentionally mocking? He saves people. But He also allows each person to respond to the truth as that person wills. Those who want truth will be led by the Father to the Son. Those who refuse truth will be given over to the lie.
God is powerful enough to do anything He wants. What He has CHOSEN to do is allow people to respond to Him as they will. His desire is for each of us to repent and respond to Him. He is not willing that one should perish. Not one. But one-way desire is not what He has chosen to do -- He has chosen to prefer two-way desire. He has urged us to seek Him, to discourse with Him, to consider His creation. When everything is finished, what we will find is that there is nothing He has not done for each individual person to invite that person to Him except force Himself upon them. Predestination to belief is the ONE thing He has NOT done. That is why the Bible is full of encouragements to believe, to trust, to have faith.
Is the power of God in me spreading the Gospel? I hope so. The fact that He is willing to use me in any way at all still blows my mind, though.
First, who is the "we" in "what we are saying"?
So I take it by all of this posting of yours God does not save people.
He chooses to have no power to save people. He does not force or make the unwilling willing. He just sits and waits until you call on Him.
I find that I am not ignorant of the things you preach. I am quite certain we could go around in circles for a long time.
That is exactly what is impossible. And that is how I know God loves each of us immeasureably.
Why can't you measure it? I can...according to you it has a measure. He loves us enough not to do anything but let us slip slide away. He loves us enough to sit and wait hoping people will come to Him. What kind of love is that?
Me, a stupid ignorant wretched man shows more love for my children than that. I teach, discipline, and pull them out of harms way.
I say;
But God has shown His love for us in that while we were His enemies He saved us.
And His people are very valuable. How valuable are His people? They are worth the precious blood of His only Son who actually purchased them. And what could be more valuable than the blood of God?
Regards and blessings,