Part 2:
But we both know that only
some are saved and the rest are cast into Hell.
some believe on Him and the rest reject Christ and His words.
some believe the Gospel and the rest think that it is foolishness ( 1 Corinthians 1:18 ).
some endure to the end and the rest fall away or never do profess Him.
Scripture explicitly state why some believe and why some do not?
Yes, it does, and in many places.
It's called "election", and it's something that you don't appear to like very much.
Why, I cannot say...
But, in the interests of clearing things up for those that are new ( either to the forums here or to this subject ) and who may read this thread,
why do you object to God deciding to save some of us for an everlasting relationship with Him and His Son, and deciding to cast the remainder of us wicked and rebellious sinners into well-deserved punishment ( what you call "Calvinism" ) for all eternity?
I'm curious to know, sir, because thus far in my time here at the Baptist Board, I've not heard anything
substantial from anyone, why they think that God doesn't have that right...
legally, He does.
So far I've heard all these objections:
1) "That's not the God of the Bible..."
When Scripture has been shown that it is.
2) " That verse doesn't mean what you think it says..."
I know of at least one member here who states that quite often, not even realizing that he is doing the same thing or agrees with many of those that do.
3) " That's not fair"!
Yes, it is.
God decides what is fair when it comes to those who have disobeyed Him... whether to show them mercy, or to show them His wrath.
We have no say in the matter, and cannot influence God's will one way or the other when it comes to salvation...otherwise, it wouldn't be grace and it would rely on our works ( our efforts to please Him ) as men.
4) "That makes God the author of sin."
Scripture says otherwise ( James 1:13-15 ).
God, who cannot lie ( Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18 ) says that He does not cause men to sin.
5) "That's John Calvin's god".
I wouldn't know, having made a conscious effort to stick strictly to Scripture in my studies and to stay as far from "Reformed" writings as possible.
To me, it's the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
Who has mercy on whom He will, and compassion on whom He will ( Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:14-18 ).
Are you aware of any others?