Oh, I think I have a pretty good grasp on it. So are you telling me that all people are allowed to come to Christ? Because I said that according to Calvinism all are not allowed to and you say I misunderstand........
You have boasted several times as if you are posting some great truth, but in reality it shows you really do not understand biblical calvinism at all.
I will begin to show you why that is as requested by RM:
Let's examine some of your statements;
Oh, I think I have a pretty good grasp on it. So are you telling me that all people are allowed to come to Christ? Because I said that according to Calvinism all are not allowed to and you say I misunderstand........
So are you telling me that all people are allowed to come to Christ?
The gospel is freely preached unto ALL MEN. The bible teaches that..God hath commanded all men everywhere to repent. Acts17
Because I said that according to Calvinism all are not allowed to and you say I misunderstand.
Calvinism does not teach that all men are not allowed to......YOU DO MISUNDERSTAND!
Are all men going to be saved-NO
Are all that the Father gives to the Son going to be saved-yes
Has the Father given us the knowledge
of who are the ALL that he hath given to the SON-NO
So we can preach to all men everywhere.-yes
Who are you, I , or anyone else to say who God will and has purposed in His mercy to save. The fact that the bible reveals a Covenant salvation that will be effectual to all the elect is not your business as far as the subject of who to preach to. They are two different issues.
Go into all the world and preach to all men making disciples is commanded.
Does it say preach only to the Elect?-no...it says all men, all sinners.
The fact that God has already elected a multitude in His Son does not alter one bit the command to proclaim the truth unto all men everywhere.
The Elect
will.....repent of sin, come to Jesus, believe and continue to believe, obey lawful commands, show and bear fruit of a converted life.
When the Calvinist preachers urges sinners to "come to Jesus" he is believing and expecting the Spirit to move upon sinners in granting repentance unto life in regeneration and conversion of new birth.
Ther Calvinist preacher understands that no man can come, unless the Father draws the sinner.Nevertheless it is not the work of preaching to try and use tear -jerking illustrations to evoke an emotional and fleshly response.
No..he preaches the word by the Spirit and leaves the results to God.
A biblical Calvinist does not know who individually is Elect. Humanly speaking every person we meet could be a sinner that God is going to save as here:
9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:
For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.
11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
In verse 10......God does not say...
I will save ALL MEN in this City
I desire ALL MEN in this City to be saved
I really wish they would believe you Paul
I am too much of a gentlemen to force them to believe
I am not willing that any perish
I have exactly 493 men here, keep preaching till we get 493 decisions.
I am going to tell you their names and addresses, emails, and cell phone numbers
No...He does say:
I am with you
I have
much people in this city[
whom he did foreknow]
He did not tell Paul, because it was not Paul's business to know that information. Paul knew all about the Covenant promises.Paul taught about election and predestination more than any other Apostle, and yet he was passionate about souls.
Any God called pastor is called to be faithful. That is why you do not understand. Read a bit without a jaundiced eye.
All of the Calvinistic preachers that I have heard preach preach an Arminian sermon when it comes to the open church service.
Johnny Mac does not "preach like an Arminian. He always qualifies his statements as all Cals do. i have literally heard thousands of sermons and what you are posting is nonsense.