With the way Calvinists are being slimed in this Forum, and this thread in particular, I am glad I am not a Calvinist.
Calvin believed in infant baptism, I don't! He rejected immersion as the proper mode of Baptism, I don't. He had a view of the Lord's Supper different than mine. If I were a Calvinist I would unite with a church of the PCA.
However, Calvin did believe the Doctrine of Grace, so did the Apostle Paul, so did Augustine, so did Keach, Bunyon, Gill, Spurgeon, Fuller. LeLand, Judson, Wayland, Dagg, Mell, Carroll, Boyce, Broadus, Manly Sr., Manly Jr., all the old Baptist Saints; then there are Strong, Conner, Mullins, Reisinger, Mohler, a few on this Forum I could name, and then there is me. Why do I believe the Doctrine of Grace? Because "the Bible Tells Me So"!:godisgood::love2::jesus::love2: