I think it is worthwhile to hold a serious discussion on this because I believe it is a serious thing to give the Devil credit for things he had nothing to do with.
To reiterate, StillLearning said on another thread:
To which I replied:
I would be very, very careful about ascribing God's work to Satan- Matthew 12, Luke 3, Mark 11.
To which Amy.G replied:
I doubt that there is any sane person on the BB who would not agree that the NWT is a corrupt translation. But to place the ESV or NIV or any other modern translation on the same level just does not compute.
To reiterate, StillLearning said on another thread:
The “words” that Satan is trying to get us(Christians), to allow to be removed, are not the words found in the copies of the originals; But the English words in our English translation of the originals.
But this can never happen, because of Satan’s work in the late 1800's.
From that point in time, those in-charge of developing new English translations of the Bible, have been convinced that God’s Word has been lost and that the idea of a perfect translation, is impossible.
To which I replied:
I would be very, very careful about ascribing God's work to Satan- Matthew 12, Luke 3, Mark 11.
Satan does not need to do any monkeying around with the Bible. He rather seeks to undermine the truth through lies lived out in the lives of those who profess to be Christians.
Apply as needed.
To which Amy.G replied:
I totally disagree. Satan has been twisting God's words since Adam and Eve.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Do you really think that Satan wasn't behind the NWT?
When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus quoted scripture to him because it is the truth. Satan wants us to believe lies. What better way than through the mishandling of God's printed word?
I doubt that there is any sane person on the BB who would not agree that the NWT is a corrupt translation. But to place the ESV or NIV or any other modern translation on the same level just does not compute.