Now see, all of that pablum really sounds religious and authoritative but what are you really saying, "jack squat".
No, it is the truth.
So my whole eternal destiny is based on something as capricious "the actual relationship with the Person of Jesus Christ". How do "you", Joe "Bags of Air" know that you have a personal relationship?
Because He lives within me in the Person of the Holy Spirit and His Spirit bears witness to my spirit that I am a child of God. Father/child is a personal relationship. He is my Savior. That's pretty personal.
Do you get in touch with your feelings? Do you just know?
It has nothing to do with feelings, at all. It has to do with His promises and the fact that He is faithful to what He says. My faith is not rooted in emotion for feeling but on the solid rock of Scripture and the finished work of the Cross wherein Jesus paid for my salvation and offers me eternal life simply by placing faith in Him.
Those that said "Lord, Lord" just knew too but they are now "departed". How are you different from them, your eternity is based on how you feel your relationship is, Correct?
No, It is not based on how I feel about it.
I am totally different than them. They appealed to their works, their own merit, their own effort. They didn't appeal to knowing Jesus or personal relationship with Him. And Jesus simply told them that He never knew them and sent them into eternal destruction.
I know I have a relationship with Jesus for three reasons. First of all, Jesus died for me. The eternal work of Jesus on the cross paid for my sins and by that, I have eternal life, right now. Eternal life isn't a thing; it's a person. Jesus is eternal life. He is the both the giver and the gift of eternal life.
Secondly, I have internal witness of the Holy Spirit who lives within me. The Holy Spirit lives within me keeping me saved and reminding that I belong to the Lord: (Rom. 8: 15-17 I John 4:13)
Third, I have the record of Scripture which says: "
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." (1Jn 5:11-13)
So the Bible tells me that I can know, right now, that I am saved and it tells me in Eph. 1: 13 that I am sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. He not only saves me but keeps me saved.
So it is not based on feeling, but on the work of Jesus on the cross, the internal abiding presence of the Holy Spirit and the unchanging, infallible written record of Scripture. I don't have rely feelings at all, thank the Lord. Feelings are unreliable and fickle.
As I said before Matt 7:21-23 is a warning.
It is a warning to those who are relying their good works and what will happen to them in eternity if that is all they have to appeal to. Good works will not get anyone into Heaven.
Jhn 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Yes, we are to keep HIS commandments. But that is not the Mosaic commandments, he is referring to. He is referring to the commandments he delivered during His earthly ministry and the New Testament clarifies that fact.
Not talk in platitudes or get in touch with your feelings.
Mat 15:14 And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
How "touchy-feely" does that sound?
Sounds like you have decided to assign false values to my previous statements because you couldn't actually respond to what I said. You assigned my words to "feelings" when feelings have nothing to do with anything I said.