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Can Creation according to Genesis be honestly taught as Science

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Chemnitz, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Helen, It may disagree with your specific understanding of scripture, but not with mine. To my thinking it is consonant with scripture and with science. On the authorship of Genesis, it is up for speculation, but generally attributed to Moses, as much as some other books, scholars have attributed to certain authors, but the autographs themselves suggest other writers, either dictated or scribed. It does not really matter, and doesnt change the word one iota.

    There are far too many shifts and squeezes to make the Bible fit fundamentalist concepts without regard for history and consistency throughout. If I couldn't balance my theories with scripture, I wouldn't espouse them. Remember, I believe the Bible. I am not the enemy.

    On the local flood, it is not about the animals. It is about Noah and his family and their grasp of God and obedience to Him.


  2. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    It has nothing to do with 'fundamentalist concepts.' It has everything to do with God knowing how to communicate with man in a straightforward way. There is enough time spent regarding the animals for the Flood to be about the animals, too. And since it was God who brought them to Noah, there must have been a reason. If not the biblical reason, what else can you make up?

    The reason for the Flood is given as man's wickedness and violence. If the Flood was local, we have some interesting problems, biblically:

    1. Were only the people in that region wicked and violent?

    2. Were they the only ones who lived so long originally and then their ages simply melted down to match the rest of humanity who didn't get caught in this 'local flood'?

    3. Were ALL the springs of the deep only in that area of the earth?

    4. Since Genesis 10 lists the nations of the world as descending from the three sons of Noah, were there others descended from other people not mentioned?

    5. Did Jesus not know what He was talking about?

    6. Did Peter not know what he was talking about in his second epistle (chapter 3)?

    I guess my approach IS a fundamental approach. I do believe the Bible has the fundamentals right. I believe it has the other stuff right, too...

    No, Jim, you are not the enemy, but you are, in essence, repeating him in his temptation to Eve when he said, "Did God REALLY say....? Think for yourself...."

    Thinking for myself is a great thing -- until it disagrees with God's clear statements. Then, if I don't agree, I am the one who is wrong. Same with you. Same with everyone. God is the one who is right. His Word is not an allegory, not a myth, not an old wives' tale. It is real history where it presents itself to be history. Genesis presents itself as eyewitness history start to finish.
  3. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    And you fit all these events into 7000 years! Incredible and impossible. The timeline just doesn't fit. Not everything is in the Bible. It is primarily the trail of redemption for God's chosen people Israel, and then to His people, the Israel of God, His church. There are other events not included in the sacred scriptures as we have them.

    In the Old Testament, there is mention of whole nations being slaughtered, man, woman and child, and yet they appear in other scriptures. You see, not all were slaughtered, but that group affecting Israel in God's timeline. The rest of the nation were incidental to God's plan.

    Again, it comes down to interpretation of events as they have been recorded. Even with Adam and Eve, we search tradition to understand that they had some 27 other children, and where did their wives comes from? They came from other nations that coexisted with the three sons of Adam, but not important to God's message to include their existence by source.

    Profane history and tradition provide some answers, albeit much of that too is speculation.

    I have no problem with the scriptures being aligned with evolution and natural history as a valid source of existence in time.

    Theologians, who puport to use the same scriptures, come up with varied eschatalogical viewpoints, and each with the same vigor and conviction. The same is true of Calvinism, Arminianism and everything inbetween. It is not inconceivable that the same is true of the historical lines.

    I will carry on my ministry with the sure things and proclaim from the pulpit the sovereign grace of God, and leave these speculative matters to common interest and not dogma.

    The original question about the alignment of science with Genesis remains yes. The problem is not with the book, but with the interpretation and application.


  4. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    It's more like 8000 years, and yes, it all happened in that amount of time.
  5. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Helen - you need to choose between placing your trust in the "details" of God's Word -- vs accepting the speculations of humanism as it "imagines" the way the past "would work without God".

    And apparenly you have chosen God's Word! How could you??!! Surely science is the "domain" of Humanism and anathema to God - is it not?!!

    Or - might "it just be true" that God is HIMSELF the greatest scientist of all!

    In Christ,

  6. Gold Dragon

    Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    </font>[/QUOTE]In this passage, Peter was talking about himself and the apostles being eye-witnesses.

    </font>[/QUOTE]This is Peter reinforcing the inspiration of scripture, that is isn't simply man's work.

    I'm glad you recognize that it is assumptions that you are making.

    Nowhere does Peter say that Genesis is written in the first person as eye-witness accounts. I lift up Peter's actual words saying that the bible is God speaking to man through the Holy Spirit, which I have stated myself numerous times in this thread. Most of the time, like Genesis, God does so in the third person, not as first person eye-witness accounts.
  7. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Genesis itself lists itself as eyewitness accounts:

    Gen. 5:1 -- This is the written account of Adam's line.

    Gen. 6:9 -- This is the account of Noah

    Gen. 10:1 -- This is the account of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's sons

    Gen. 11:10 -- This is the account of Shem

    Gen. 11:27 -- This is the account of Terah

    Gen. 25:19 -- This is the account of Abraham's son, Isaac (this account has Ishmael's account included at the end of it, as marked by Gen. 25:12-18, which has the author at the beginning to avoid confusion with the tablet of Isaac.)

    Gen. 37:2 -- This is the account of Jacob (again this account has within it the account of Esau, which is chapter 36 in its entirety).

    These were written accounts, or generations, signed off by the authors at the end of each account as was the custom in those days. Moses, being in a position of high authority in Egypt and then leader of the Israelites, would have come into possession of those tablets. He colated and edited them, interspersing a few editorial comments, such as the one which comprises Gen. 2:5-6 (it is interesting to read Genesis 2:4 and skip directly to verse 7, as this way you will get the original sentence as written by Adam.)

    In other words, Peter does not have to say this is eyewitness accounts. Genesis says it.
  8. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    He made creation and observed it was good.

    However Genesis is not a first person record of that observation but a third person one.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I think those who believe in the inspiration of the Bible (that it is the Word of God) would say it is both first and third person.

    Joseph Botwinick
  9. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Helen wrote,

    Helen, this is nothing but a hunch on your part. And, of course, the textual evidence as well as known biological facts prove that Gen. 6-11 is NOT an eyewitness account. Anyone who would teach such false information in a classroom would be guilty of a crime against humanity.

    This statement is absolutely false! And that it is absolutely false has been abundantly documented over and over and over again in other threads on this message board.

    This is absolute nonsense and anyone with even a basic knowledge of biology knows for an incontrovertible fact that it is nonsense!

    Fact: It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY boat, REGARDLESS OF ITS SHAPE, to float if the weight of the boat plus its cargo is greater than the weight of the water that it displaces. Jet boats are no exception—their speed allows them to glide over the water rather than float. Even if Noah’s Ark was jet propelled as Helen is apparently claiming it was, it would have SUNK long before the cargo was fully loaded—that is, unless Helen is suggesting that Noah’s Ark was traveling at five times the speed of sound during the time that the animals were being loaded!

    No, the Ark was not even a small fraction of the necessary size to carry the load that is depicted by a strictly literal interpretation of Genesis. ANYONE who has completed 6th grade math and sixth grade science can do the calculations for themselves and they will find out for themselves that Helen has posted a fictitious claim here. Please note that this argument regarding species and kinds is the exact same and fictitious argument used by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and has absolutely no basis of fact. And Helen KNOWS that it has no basis of fact because that has been proven many times on this very message board in replies to Helen’s fictitious claim.

    This is nothing but a monstrous lie from the very pit of hell! But even if it were true, that would require that thousands of species of herbivores EVOLVED at rocket speed into carnivores, and that belief 100% contradicts Helen’s previous claim in this same thread that, “Mutations ALWAYS reduce specificity and there is no way evolution could proceed with a progressive lack of specificity!” Why can’t creationists tell the truth? Because the truth PROVES that Genesis 6-11 is NOT an historical account of an actual event.

    This portion of Helen’s post proves beyond any shadow of a doubt than Helen is posting ridiculous nonsense! Partitions do NOT add space—they take up space and add further weight to the boat!

  10. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Helen wrote,

    Absolute nonsense! ALL ANIMALS MUST consume a minimal number of calories to survive, and any animals that did not would have died! The weight of the bare minimum amount of food would have been MANY times heavier than the weight of the water displaced by the Ark. In other words, the weight of the food alone would have caused the Ark to sink IMEDIATELY!!!

    These statements are absolutely false! Very many animals have very strict dietary requirements that could have been met ONLY by SPECIFIC fresh fruits and leaves, requiring large trees and shrubs to have been planted into HUGE containers aboard the Ark. And, of course, fresh meat would have been an absolute requirement for many of the animals! Helen taught high school biology—so undoubtedly she knows this for a fact!

    What an absolutely monstrous misrepresentation of the facts to post on a Christian message board! VERY MANY kinds of VERY large fish are extremely sensitive to the level of salt and minerals in the water in which they live, and the flood would have changed the level of the salt and minerals in the water. Therefore, we KNOW, FOR AN INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT, that it would have been ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to bring a pair of EVERY ONE of these kinds of HUGE fish aboard the Ark and maintain them in aquariums that would be so heavy that it would be absolutely impossible for a wooden ship to contain EVEN ONE of them!!!

  11. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Helen wrote,

    ALL of the animals aboard the Ark would have needed food AFTER the waters abated and there would necessarily have been enough food aboard the Ark to maintain them until the earth was revegetated—a process that takes, in many cases, a decade or longer.

    YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS!!! ONLY certain omnivores can switch between specialized vegetarian diets and fresh meat from rats!

    JUST EXACTLY HOW FAST DO YOU SUSPPOSE EVOLUTION CAN TAKE PLACE? The scale of evolution that you are proposing here takes tens of thousands of years! And not only is there ABOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE that such a thing occurred; there is abundant evidence that it DID NOT!!!

  12. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Helen wrote,

    Just how much weight do you suppose the Ark could hold? Your points are getting to be more and more ridiculous and prove more and more conclusively that the story of Noah’s Ark could NOT possibly be an historic account of an actual event!

    Penguins can’t fly and kangaroos can’t swim! Have you ever looked at a globe or an atlas? The earth is a whole lot bigger than your Aunt Gertrude’s hobby farm!

    And, as you yourself know for an absolute, incontrovertible fact, many habitats take decades to re-establish once they are destroyed.

    The very large majority of habitats are NOT capable of self-restoration. And very many species of animals are absolutely dependent upon these habitats for survival!

  13. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Helen wrote,

    The ocean basins are no deeper now than they were 10,000 years ago!

    If Noah had an I.Q. of 60 or better he would have known been than to try to haul the wood from the Ark down Mount Ararat over all the sharp rocks and ice! :rolleyes:

    This is the most ridiculous and bizarre nonsense that I have ever heard of—and my three-year-old grandson comes up with some real whoppers! I most sincerely hope that you don’t actually believe such a tripe! :eek:


    You have, in his post that I am quoting from, more than amply demonstrated for all us the absolute nonsense that one has to resort to in order to defend the silly notion that the story of Noah’s Ark is an historic account of an actual event.

    A note in closing: When Christians publicly argue for the nonsense that you are arguing for, they give the world the impression that Christians are nothing more that intellectually challenged baboons suffering from the late stages of dementia. What an abomination!!! How many countless thousands of souls are burning in the fires of hell for eternity because some Christians “proved” to them that the claims of Christianity are the claims of lunacy? :eek:

  14. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    1. I haven't read through everything Helen said, I'll admit that. I know that through the years I have known Helen, I have come to the conclusion that she has some really nutty ideas that I have always chalked up to her being from the West Coast (I know...that is an unfair assumption and I am working hard to change that idea with myself). But, my point to you, CBTS, is that the intellect and wisdom of lost people is not to drive or change the way we believe and live as Christians. Paul very clearly tells us that the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishimg, but we are to cling to that foolishness as it is salvation to us who believe.

    2. Not a single person is burning in hell, or on their way to burning in hell because of nutty theories by Helen Setterfield (or anyone else for that matter). They are all there because of their sin.

    3. There is at least one non-Christian scholar I have read who believed he had proven without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus faked his death with the help of his disciples. I am quite sure that there are probably those in the world who believe what he says is true. The Gospel did not cause their downfall and descent into hell. Their sin did.

    Joseph Botwinick
  15. El_Guero

    El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Now that makes sence to someone that is saved. (and not from the west coast, east coast, mid america - just in case christians think different there)
  16. Gold Dragon

    Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Yes those are accounts. But they are third person accounts, not first person ones.
  17. Gold Dragon

    Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    I'm not sure how something could be written in both the first person and the third person at the same time. I believe that the Bible is God's inspired, authoritative and trustworthy word to mankind. That doesn't mean I see a first person narrative when it is clearly written in the third person. Seeing a first person narrative when the text is clearly written as a third person one is a great example of eisegetically reading scripture to see things that we want to be there but aren't actually there. Hence the need for good hermeneutics.

    [ October 05, 2005, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Gold Dragon ]
  18. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    They claim to be first person accounts, Dragon. Who are you to say they are wrong?
  19. Gold Dragon

    Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Nope, nothing wrong with the accounts. They are exactly what they say they are. That happens to be different from what you say they are.
  20. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Then who signed their accounts for them? Who plagiarized their material?