I agree, though I would have changed it from save Sunday School to "revive the church".
My theory is based on what we see in Nehemiah, especially chapter 8. I wonder what would happen if we preached from 9:30-10:30 and then had small groups (S.S. if you will) from 11:00-12:00. Instead of ordering massive amounts of questionable SS material, what if the groups had leaders that just helped the people understand the Scripture that was just preached?
It seems as long as the Jews did this they were doing well. When they added all the outside junk...well....not so much.
When God decides to make me a senior pastor in a church I plan to test my theory.
You have described, essentially, what we did at Sojourn Church in Louisville.
We have NO Sunday school at all. We have NO formal discipleship at all. We have NO quarterlies, NO teachers, and NO meetings at the church building(s) except worship and necessary business or activies meetings (in other words no organized teaching times).
Yet, our people are well-versed in the Scriptures, and more, they LIVE what they know. We DO meet in homes with a pastor-level individual (couple actually) who lead that group. There, the last week's sermon is discussed, taken apart, and lived out. There also happens fellowship, the start of church discipline, ministry, and the other functions that might be covered in any number of meetings at a normal church.
The church is growing rapidly -- very rapidly -- and our average attendance now runs past 2800 on any given Sunday of the year with high attendance Sundays reaching close to 4000! Our membership numbers are lower than attendance numbers -- something that most congregations could not fathom -- we see roughly 1000 VISITORS or MEMBERS IN WAITING on any average Sunday!
And, yes, now that I've taken the pulpit of a struggling congregation in Wisconsin I will apply those tactics to grow my new congregation. I am insstituting the first phases of the transformation now during my first sermon series, which for the FIRST time in the history of this congregation (1970s) is exegetical verse-by-verse. You should SEE how the people are responding!
Phase two is to dump the SS materials and start writing my own stuff that matches the sermons. Along with that comes an overhaul of the business structure of the church. Everyone HATES business meetings and yet they endure them because that is what they have always done. I am going to suggest change that will be positive and yet retain the congregational aspects of the church.
Phase three is to start a new congregation somewhere close by, if only as a mother church partner.
After that, we'll see what God does! He is behind this effort and brought me here with these concepts in mind, so I fee confident that He will see the transformation through to His glory!