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I know of a pastor in SD that goes thought by thought, as opposed to verse by verse. A few years ago he told the church he was praying about retiring. So on Sunday mornings he was going through the leadership qualities Paul wrote Timothy and then during Sunday and Wednesday night Bible studies they were looking at the same issue in Titus. He was using the Word to prepare them for their next pastor search.
I just got done teaching my church (from 1 Peter 1:1-2) two important concepts, hermeneutics and pericope. I did that to prepare them for context-based Bible study and also so that I could introduce 1 Peter 1:2-12, which in the Greek is all one sentence. My remarks were centered around the issue that IF 12 verses with multiple sentences in English are all one sentence in Greek, then we must find THE subject and the verb for that entire sentence! Indeed, that one subject and verb IS the sentence, all the rest is description of the main clause. That is what happens when true Bible study happens. Oh, and the people get to hear God via His Word as God intended.