1. Then why is that all people are not saved.
Just because I affirm God's power over man's will doesn't mean I'm affirming that God overpower's man's will. I have the power to physically force my daughter to obey, but I may choose to allow her to make a decision without the use of force and let her suffer the consequences. That choice on my part doesn't lesson my strength.
2. Why is it that you are one of the few among all free moral creatures whom God is able to "conquer"?
Huh? You act as if we believe God is trying to irresistibly conquer man's will but can't, that is not our view. See post to Aaron above.
3. Why you and not all? Why some and not others? I have yet to get a "freewiller" to answer that question.
Free will. You seem to be asking what determined man's free choice, which assumes a deterministic response is necessary. Glad, I could finally answer that one for you.
4. Is it possible you are incorrect and not all persons are free moral agents?
Yes, it is possible but the very fact that I don't believe it is true and others do believe it is true goes to support my view of freedom, otherwise you have God determining some of his children to believe lies and others to believe truth.
6. Does God choose to save some and leave others in their sins. I believe that is called unconditional election as asserted in the Doctrines of Grace.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. He bound all men over to disobedience (original sin) so as to show mercy to them all. If anyone perishes it is only because they refused to accept the truth and so be saved. It is not because God didn't love them, provide for them or call them to reconciliation.