I fail to see the usefulness or willfully malicious desire to be disrespectful.
You have mistaken me for someone else. I am the one who has been preaching respect for all people on this forum for 17 years.
My point is that Matt Black said it is "Good manners to address people how they would like to be addressed;"
To which I replied:
"Great! In the future, please address me as "Your Imperial Majesty." After all, I self identify as the Emperor of the Universe."
Which he has steadfastly refused to do, thus displaying he fails to live up to his own standard of "good manners."
Why should anyone be forced to address someone in a way they know is untrue?
30 years ago, when I was still with the Sheriff's Department we would occasionally book a "transgendered" person (we used to call them transvestites) into County jail.
We didn't care how they looked. How they dressed. How they wanted to be addressed.
One thing and one thing only determined if they went to the men's jail or the woman's jail. And that was determined solely by their genitalia. Mail genitalia went to the men's jail. Lack of male genitalia went to the woman's jail. No problem.