We live in a democracy. A democracy is made up of individuals and we as individuals are responsible for others. If individuals are too stingy to help others then the government will step in and do so. Your interpretations is a rather liberal one.
Where does it say that we're responsible for others? You mean I need to make sure that my neighbor's children go to a good school? That they have a flat screen TV? That it's my job to babysit their kids or do their lawn? Does the Bible not say that a man is responsible for his own family? That if he doesn't work, he doesn't eat and if he doesn't care for his own family, he's worse than an infidel?
Go thou and do likewise. But if you do not, do not be surprised if you are taxed to help others. To those who love money more than God, God will find a way to make them pay.
Jesus praised the Good Samaritan.
See, the issue is that I cannot support those people or organizations that I wish to...because we are too highly taxed. Just my property taxes is $14,000. There are SO many things I could do with that money including paying the utility bills of the young woman I know who is home with the swine flu and is not getting paid until she starts back to work. I'd LOVE to be a good samaritan but I cannot because the government feels it's their right to take all of my money.
Would the Good Samaritan have been praised if he looked at the guy in the road and say "Well, I paid my taxes and he has the right to free healthcare. Good luck buddy!" and walked away? I don't see that supported in the Scripture, so your argument is dead.