And I haven't said otherwise. And as such, I'm responsible for using the word of God to teach and correct.
Look through your posts. I already have. Reread them.
How many Scriptures have you quoted?
How many times, in contrast, have you used this undefinable, "we" or "the Body," or some other undefinable term. You ignore the Scripture and preach philosophy and your own opinion. You try to make it all inclusive. You have no idea what "the Body" believes. Why even pretend? That is the height of arrogance.
Then it shouldn't be your business or the church's either that some are okay with murdering babies in the womb.
If my influence is in my local church, which for the most part is true, then I don't know of anyone there who is okay with murdering babies in the womb. You are barking up the wrong tree.
I am not a Carl MacIntyre, who every time he got on the radio, (in the 60's and 70's) preached against communism. If that is your hobby horse (abortion) and calling from God then go for it.
Then don't preach the Gospel. Everything in the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it clear that one person doing right certainly can change the world. Moses did. David did. Nehemiah did. Jesus certainly did. Peter did. Paul did.
As I said, I obey God (by preaching the gospel and obeying the Great Commission) in the sphere of influence where He has put me. That may not change a world of 7 billion people. But it will change some. I do what God commands me. God did not set me here to change the world, but rather to carry out his mission.
Ranting and raving about your hobby horse isn't one of them.
When people get saved, they get changed. Change the people and you'll change the world. Call people to obedience of the word of God and exampling a changed life and the world WILL be changed.
I know that by experience far more than you will probably ever know. I am a missionary and have been to a number of nations, countries that most people would not dare to go. I have seen lives completely changed by the gospel and then snuffed out by persecution.
If you're advocating death over mercy and life, you are indeed disobeying God.
Do you advocate killing mothers who murder their babies?
Get off your soapbox and start obeying the Great Commission.
I don't advocate murder of any kind.