And yet Paul states differently.
The issue needs to be qualified as to what Carnal not just means but also what it entails (giving depth and qualification).
Paul states they (brethren, also understood biblically as the redeemed) are still carnal, needing the milk and have not yet moved on to the meat of the word, because they still walk in accordance with the flesh.
The qualifier (in general here, not a specific word) is not that they are IN the flesh, NOT as in a state of being, but that they still do things according to the desires of the flesh. They have not yet put their own selves completely aside for the things of God.
Paul was writting to the church at Corinth and was not lauding their praise but the Now in this doctrinal passage in the book of Romans, in which Paul is setting forth the great doctrines of the grace of God and the work of the Spirit; I want you to notice in Romans 8. He contrasts two things constantly, the realm of the flesh and the realm of the Spirit. The carnal mind and the spiritual mind, and notice what he says. These two are mutually exclusive. Lets look now at verse 5. They that are after the flesh, they mind the things of the flesh, fleshly desire, fleshly longings. Those that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Carnally minded, death, a man who is given over to his baser appetites and to the flesh, the end of that is death. The end of the Spiritually minded man, life and peace. The carnal mind is at warfare with God, it is not subject to God, it cannot be. They that are in the flesh cannot please God. But you say, 'Pastor? That's referring to the man who is saved but who is still living in the flesh, and he can't please God in that state.' Is it? Look at verse 9, "But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. But if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
Do you know what Paul is saying? Get this now! He says a man who is living in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. If his basic desires and interests are this life and this flesh he can't please God. But Paul says this isn't true of you IF the Holy Ghost dwells in you, and when you got saved he came to dwell in you. And if he hasn't come to dwell in you, you are none of his. But he has come, you have been basically taken out of the realm of flesh and you have been put in the realm of Spirit, See? I don't know if you do, but this thrills me. Two spheres, two, not three, carnally minded - death, spiritually minded -life. And then he moves on in verse 13, if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. 'Oh, that means the sin unto death!' Does it? The most spiritual people I know die, this is not speaking about physical death. It is talking about spiritual death! If you live after the flesh ye shall die. But if by the Spirit ye do mortify, or put to death the deeds of the flesh ye shall live. (For) as many as are led by the Spirit of God they (and only they) are the sons of God.
Ah, but you say, 'pastor, you mean a Christian never stumbles?' Wait a minute now we are going to deal with that problem. But let's get this first. Don't jump ahead of me. Do you see what he is saying? We have two spheres of existence, flesh - Spirit. We have two destinies, life - death, not three, two, degrees within them, yes, but only two spheres. Study this chapter, read it over till the Spirit of God opens your eyes on this.
majority of the book is written to 'correct' them. According to some on here, Paul messed up because he should not need to correct their walk as they should be walk spiritually because they are saved.
The issue is that God allows believers to walk or not walk spiritually as we 'should be'. We can get entangled in the world and be caught up in the flesh. The distinction though is that a believer will not STAY there. God will always bring them back to Himself vai chastening and or scorging. We do not know what God is doing in their lives but as believers, and if they are in open sin, we can not allow them to assume they can continue therein and stay in fellowship with us. That is why Paul states, for those who will not stop (obviously after first going to them privately, ect..), for them to be removed from the fellowship. Yet the very purpose is not absolute judgement against them, but to bring them back into proper fellowship with God and thus by extention back to the Church, His bride.