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Carrie Underwood succumbes to Hollywood pressure

NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
Well you are taking offense but know that I was not trying to offend you or anyone on this thread....rather I was trying to get a better understanding of the position of the religious in this Homosexual discussion.....again I meant no disrespect.

Homosexuality is sin - full stop. I would obviously not be part of sanctioning any marriage where there is undealt with sin.

I hope that clarifies any misunderstanding. I don't know what that has to do with my explanation of why I think the state needs to keep their noses out of the marrying business. Let them acknowledge civil agreements as they see fit - let the church deal with marriage.
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Active Member
This doesn't have anything to do with my views on homosexuality. And I don't believe C4K's views need to be in question either. This is a church and state seperation issue. The state doesn't need to be in the business of telling the church who to marry anymore than the church needs to tell the state anything whatsoever. The activities of each can be and should be seperate!

There is not a thing wrong with the government regulating the contractual issues of a marriage without regulating who the churches themselves recognize as married.

On the other side, there is nothing wrong with the church not recognizing/marrying two people who the church determines is not marrying within the beliefs of that church.

This would allow same gender couples (whether hom*sexual or just good friends) to combine their households and give one another "next of kin" authorities and would also allow each individual religion to decide for themselves what constitutes a marriage of believers. It doesn't force anyone to believe something they don't. Keeps down the declaration of "unfair" in the sight of the law and boots the government out of one issue that is not/should not be theirs to regulate!

NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
This doesn't have anything to do with my views on homosexuality. And I don't believe C4K's views need to be in question either. This is a church and state seperation issue. The state doesn't need to be in the business of telling the church who to marry anymore than the church needs to tell the state anything whatsoever. The activities of each can be and should be seperate!

There is not a thing wrong with the government regulating the contractual issues of a marriage without regulating who the churches themselves recognize as married.

On the other side, there is nothing wrong with the church not recognizing/marrying two people who the church determines is not marrying within the beliefs of that church.

This would allow same gender couples (whether hom*sexual or just good friends) to combine their households and give one another "next of kin" authorities and would also allow each individual religion to decide for themselves what constitutes a marriage of believers. It doesn't force anyone to believe something they don't. Keeps down the declaration of "unfair" in the sight of the law and boots the government out of one issue that is not/should not be theirs to regulate!

I have posted this concept here a few times and am generally ignored. This is the first time in my life that anyone has questioned my view that hom0sexuality is sin.

The state never should have been involved in deciding who was married.

Sure let them acknowledge legal contracts - but let the church do the marrying.
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Well-Known Member
Its sickining watching this horrendous nauseating form of blatant hypocricy and apostacy taking place.

Over and over and over again we see these people proclaim to the world thier faith in Christ...and then completly contradict it by proclaiming to the world thier acceptance of EXTREMELY hidious blatant sinfulness.

If anyone still thinks we are not in the end times....

And this is no doubt what the world thinks about evangelicals supporting a certain candidate who worships a false god.


Well-Known Member
It should be hard for those of us who know God's Word and view this world from that frame of reference to be surprized by the direction Carrie's life has taken. Sadly, in her pursuit of fame and fortune she has been influenced strongly by the company she has been keeping in the godless music industry that now exists in our day. That,and of course, the "lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.Their only real pursuit is material wealth and pleasure due to their "love of money" which the Word plainly says is "the root of all evil"(the KJV has it right!)I would add that Dolly Parton was the same way or as one baptist pastor I had great respect for put it...(in reference to Dolly)"she came a long way from being a baptist choirgirl to get to the "Best Little Whorehouse In Texas". Sadly,and with all that gift of God-given talent she has,I'm afraid that Carrie Underwood may be heading down the same road. I sincerely pray they both repent and turn to the Lord before it is eternally too late.....and finish their lives using their gifts for God.:praying::tear:

Bro.Greg Perry Sr.

AMEN!!! There's A LOT of folks in need of prayer.
Really, what do you expect of entertainers, of politicians, or anyone living of the world? If we really evaluate Christ's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, its clear He was teaching the listeners to be different, to think different & to be of the Kingdom of God ....not man. So we as Christians need to both teach our children to be obedient to God & live lives of loving commitment to Him & not the world of Men. Personally, I am way past fighting those who have made up there minds to put human agenda before Gods agenda. Anymore, I just ignore them.


A "hearty" amen to this!!!!


Active Member
I would be willing to perform a wedding for two "homosexuals"...as long as one of them is a man and the other is a woman.! :thumbs:


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I remember right after American Idol, she came out with the song, "Jesus Take the Wheel", and everyone was praising her for being a christian. I was skeptical at best, but I never said she wasn't christian. I told people that just because she sang that song, it doesn't make her a christian. I even told them that Hank Williams, Sr.'s biggest song was 'I saw the Light", and he died in a drunken stupor in the back seat of a car. Elvis would sing gospel songs all the time, and even had some pretty big hits like, "You saw me crying in the chapel", "Peace in the Valley", etc.

I see Mrs. Underwood in this light, "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof".

can question the decisions they made, but NOT their salvation, as that would be known only to Him!

Know MANY have said Elvis had a genuine faith in jesus, saved, but due to being famous so young, and due to having "yes men" around him, none dared to confront him..

Interesting that last week of his life, they found writings he made in hotel to jesus as his lord, and was seeking deliervancefrom his problems/addictions..

best topay fro carrie and Christians in Hollywood, not JUST riducule them!

Gregory Perry Sr.

Active Member

best topay fro carrie and Christians in Hollywood, not JUST riducule them!

oops on the typo....but I think we all know what you meant..."pray for"...and I couldn't agree with you more. After all...we are all just sinners in constant need of the Grace of God. Maybe they are saved...maybe not...as you said, only truly God knows about their salvation but if we pray for God to work in their lives and have genuine compassion (a fruit of the Spirit),God will work out His purpose and plan in all of our lives. Part of real Biblical compassion though is telling the truth and not "sugar-coating" it so as "not to offend"....that's what guys like Joel Osteen do...we definitely don't need anymore of him or his ilk. If I didn't believe in genuine biblical compassion I could not live with any real hope. However,all that said....we must reprove and rebuke sin when it is so open and public. See Prov.27:5,Luke 17:3,4 ,1 Tim.5:20, Titus 1:10-16 & 2:11-15. We must stand and declare the truth particularly in this evil day we are in.



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oops on the typo....but I think we all know what you meant..."pray for"...and I couldn't agree with you more. After all...we are all just sinners in constant need of the Grace of God. Maybe they are saved...maybe not...as you said, only truly God knows about their salvation but if we pray for God to work in their lives and have genuine compassion (a fruit of the Spirit),God will work out His purpose and plan in all of our lives. Part of real Biblical compassion though is telling the truth and not "sugar-coating" it so as "not to offend"....that's what guys like Joel Osteen do...we definitely don't need anymore of him or his ilk. If I didn't believe in genuine biblical compassion I could not live with any real hope. However,all that said....we must reprove and rebuke sin when it is so open and public. See Prov.27:5,Luke 17:3,4 ,1 Tim.5:20, Titus 1:10-16 & 2:11-15. We must stand and declare the truth particularly in this evil day we are in.


I agree that we need to 'call out" those professing Christ and doing/saying things contary to their faith in Christ...

Hopefully we adressed her in private first about this, and still should pray for her!

Gregory Perry Sr.

Active Member
A Good Example

A good example of what I was just talking about would be Tiger Woods. While watching all the scandal surrounding him and his cheating which nearly completely torpedoed his whole career, it was revealed that he is a Buddhist. I thought to myself how sad that is and ever since then,everytime I see him play (and although he has had a rough time the last few years he is still a GREAT golfer!)anyway,everytime I see him play I bow and pray for him that our precious Lord would save his soul and give him "Somebody" real and ALIVE to live for. On that score his skills as a golfer will get him nowhere...but can you imagine what good for the Lord a truly REDEEMED Tiger Woods might be. It is not so much their "celebrity" status that matters but folks like that do have the world's "stage" to walk upon. Of course,when a "celebrity" gets saved (and some do...take Kirk Cameron for instance)...it's usually not to long before the "red carpet" gets yanked out from under them! Anyway... that is another discussion for a different thread I suppose. By the way...I could not have cared less about golf until Tiger got in the game. Since then I have been a fan!

Bless Ya'll,


Well-Known Member
A good example of what I was just talking about would be Tiger Woods. While watching all the scandal surrounding him and his cheating which nearly completely torpedoed his whole career, it was revealed that he is a Buddhist. I thought to myself how sad that is and ever since then,everytime I see him play (and although he has had a rough time the last few years he is still a GREAT golfer!)anyway,everytime I see him play I bow and pray for him that our precious Lord would save his soul and give him "Somebody" real and ALIVE to live for. On that score his skills as a golfer will get him nowhere...but can you imagine what good for the Lord a truly REDEEMED Tiger Woods might be. It is not so much their "celebrity" status that matters but folks like that do have the world's "stage" to walk upon. Of course,when a "celebrity" gets saved (and some do...take Kirk Cameron for instance)...it's usually not to long before the "red carpet" gets yanked out from under them! Anyway... that is another discussion for a different thread I suppose. By the way...I could not have cared less about golf until Tiger got in the game. Since then I have been a fan!

Bless Ya'll,

You know what? I forgot that he was a Buddhist. I will be adding him to my prayer list. It's time for us to get serious travailing in prayer for the salvation of lost souls.
can question the decisions they made, but NOT their salvation, as that would be known only to Him!

Know MANY have said Elvis had a genuine faith in jesus, saved, but due to being famous so young, and due to having "yes men" around him, none dared to confront him..

Interesting that last week of his life, they found writings he made in hotel to jesus as his lord, and was seeking deliervancefrom his problems/addictions..

best topay fro carrie and Christians in Hollywood, not JUST riducule them!

I wasn't questioning her salvation, Brother. All we can do is examine their walk, talk, and lifestyle, and compare them with the Word and see how they stack up against/with the Word. Can any true blood-bought christian openly(or even behind closed doors) support gay marriage?
You know what? I forgot that he was a Buddhist. I will be adding him to my prayer list. It's time for us to get serious travailing in prayer for the salvation of lost souls.

I honestly did not know he was a buddhist until now. Yes, he has my prayers as well.


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I know that it's not allowed on this board, but if you read what she says, it is because of her faith, not Hollywood, that she makes this choice.

Now you may not agree but it is unchristlike to question her salvation because she makes a choice different then the one you have made.

And really enough with the I'm not judging her BUT - that is judging her or the I'm not saying BUT....
I know that it's not allowed on this board, but if you read what she says, it is because of her faith, not Hollywood, that she makes this choice.

Now you may not agree but it is unchristlike to question her salvation because she makes a choice different then the one you have made.

And really enough with the I'm not judging her BUT - that is judging her or the I'm not saying BUT....

I am not judging her, Christ is her Judge. If a apple is on a branch, it's an apple tree. If a pear, a pear tree. I just can't fathom anyone who claims the name of Jesus Christ would support gay marriage. That goes against the judgement God gave to Sodom and Gomorrah(sp?), and Romans 1. People can claim the name of Christ all the day long, and if He hasn't/doesn't claim them, it won't add up to a hill of beans.
A snippet from the link posted in the OP:

Underwood admits she and husband Mike Fisher attend a gay-friendly church in Nashville,

Romans 1:21-28
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Anyone who is a true blood-bought christian has no right to alter God's immutable Word to suit the world.


Active Member
I'm puzzled why the OP is pinning her stance on pressure from "Hollywood".

Here is the kind of stuff Carrie and her husband are hearing at their Nashville-area church:

GracePointe "Judge Not" sermon

GracePointe has attracted quite a few Gospel musicians as congregants, Buck Rambo and Michael English, for example.

Mark Lowry of the Gaither Vocal Band interviews Underwood's pastor last month

Jerome, thanks for sharing the message from gracepointe. I really enjoyed the first part dealing with Romans 14-15 on "judging". I do not follow his lead and direction into the cultural discussion of sexuality. If his message had ended after the first part, imo, it would have been great. I do think we need to wrestle with these things, but to communicate real love and truth in relevant, honest and genuine ways rather than seeking some "happy compromise".