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Catholic Biblical Eschatological Outline


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Hi Everyone,

I started out with a skeletal outline last month but kept looking at it and adding to it. I really tried to keep it short but it’s hard to do. It is still a work in progress.

This really is a gift because I don’t think you will find many Catholic Biblical Eschatological Outlines on the internet. I’m only giving the big picture or highlights. I probably won’t be able to answer too many questions because I don’t know the details well enough and I’m sure there will be corrections and future refinements. If you want to know all the details, get the book (free on archive.org). This is Fr. Kramer’s exegesis of the Apocalypse and this was probably a somewhat more prevalent view during the Tridentine period (1565-1965). It is a historicist view. This is my interpretation of his book, The Book of Destiny.

Preface to the Plan and My Commentaries

I want to preface the outline and three commentaries below by saying that I know they are in strong language but I believe it is necessary in order to counter the view that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and that the Pope is The Antichrist. I have had to listen to this all my life. Hopefully this will help you to rethink that and maybe even conclude that the opposite is true. The commentaries are necessary in order to see the big picture and understand this interpretation of the Apocalypse. I realize it may be a little painful to read but it is in Charity and in truth (2 John 3) that I make this presentation.

A Catholic Eschatological Outline

This Plan is a Catholic Minority View which passed the Catholic censors. This is the view I’ve been influenced by. This view is not Millenarianism (aka Chiliasm) or Mitigated Millenarianism (see Decree of the Holy Office, July 21, 1944, Denziger’s 2296 [DS 3839]) which are both not allowed in the Catholic Church. The big difference between this view and a straight amillenial view is the millennial reign although this millennial reign is not a literal thousand years. Christ still comes visibly at the end so it’s still amillennial.

(When you see “my note” this is my opinion and, to my knowledge, not necessarily Fr. Kramer’s opinion)

Fr. Berry - I quote Fr Berry a couple of times. His book is also listed at the end.
Cardinal Manning - I quote him and His book is listed at the end.

OT quotes - I don’t quote many. I have a key that lists all of them if you want it. The book doesn’t have a list in the back. There are over 1,300 quotes from the OT and NT.

Letters A-Q - Follow the letters because I divide the Apocalypse based on these periods. These are my divisions. The chapters are shown mostly in numerical order which are also in historical order with some exceptions such as Apoc 9, 11,12,20, 21,22.

(A) Seven Churches

Apoc 1
Christ coming in the clouds (Apoc 1:7) - Second Coming - it says “everyone” will see Christ. This can only come at the very end.
all the tribes of the earth shall bewail themselves because of him = points to an Apostasy of whole tribes and nations
Of the earth = the enemy (heaven = faithful)
Apoc 2-3
Seven Churches Established - Apoc 2-3
This is ONE Church (the number 7 symbolizes universality - Apoc 1:11)
Stars = Angels = Bishops (angels are bishops unless specifically designated as celestial beings)[ex: priests are sometimes referred to as “angels” (Mal 2:7) KJV uses “messengers”]
Eat of the tree of life = Eucharist (Apoc 2:7)
Hidden Manna = appreciation of the Eucharist
(Apoc 2:17)
Apoc 2:22 Great Tribulation = Roman persecutions (33ad - 313ad)(also Matt 24:21, Apoc 7:14) - this is not the Tribulation before the millennial reign.

7 Churches

These seven churches describe the strengths and weaknesses of each church which represent the strength and weaknesses of the whole church.

Ephesus (Apoc 2:1) - maintained purity of doctrine but Charity had cooled a little - we must unite our Will with God’s Will
Smyrna (Apoc 2:8) - God gives total approval
Pergamus (Apoc 2:12) - kept the Faith (doctrine) but many were becoming lax
Thyatira (Apoc 2:18) - maintained faith, Charity, ministry and patience but tolerated apostasy within the church
Sardis (Apoc 3:1) - The bishop had a good reputation but we are not judged by our reputation but by our conscience. Sardis had great wealth and loose morals - was worldly. The bishop was spiritually dead. They must strengthen the weak faith that remains. This means they were weak in practice.
Philadelphia (Apoc 3:7) - God gives total approval
Laodicea (Apoc 3:14) - This church is self-sufficient, proud and overconfident in their relationship with God. They are Lukewarm and spiritually dead - God counsels them to practice self-denial and to give alms to the poor (Apoc 3:18).

(B) Adoration of the Lamb - Apoc 4-5
This is the Eucharist. Christ was presently
reigning in all Seven churches ON EARTH
2,000 years ago and is reigning on earth
in the churches now in the Eucharist.
A door was open (Apoc 4:1) = a future event = The Eucharistic Lord Victorious - I think Fr Kramer thinks these chapters are predicting future events such as victory after the Great Tribulation (33ad-313ad) and in the millennial reign where Christ in the Eucharist will have a near unanimous reign having conquered the whole world.


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Apoc 4 - all about clergy and laity worshipping Christ in the Eucharist
Apoc 4:7-8 Four Living Creatures:
Lion = Pope (bishop)(strength and courage)
Calf = Priesthood (patient labor)
Face of a Man = Bishops (reason and prudence)
Eagle Flying = Religious (contemplation)
(My interpretation)(Fr Berry’s are in brackets above )
Apoc 5:7 - Lamb slain = Christ in the Eucharist and the Seven Sacraments are the chosen weapons to destroy the kingdom of satan; “Standing” shows Christ as a Priest (Heb 10:11-14) and “Lamb” is Christ as the sacrifice or victim.
Apoc 5:8 - The Worshipping of God in the Eucharist and the Offering of Prayers of the Saints
Apoc 5:12 - All of Creation joins in the Worship of the Eucharist
Apoc 5:13 - All the faithful in the church worship God in the Eucharist
Apoc 5:14 Christ, in the Eucharist, receives Adoration from the Whole World for His Sacrifice on the Cross

(C) Seals = Tribulations = These describe the persecutions and triumph of the Roman Empire over the the Church and then the punishments of the Roman Empire for those persecutions of the Church. It was a total annihilation of the Roman Empire due to Idolatry and Apostasy (refusal to convert) - The First Six Seals describe the period of Christ (33ad) up to approximately the time of Constantine (313ad). Once Christ died on the cross (33ad) and the Roman Empire and the Jews rejected Him, the persecutions began but ended with their defeat by Constantine when Christ achieved total victory (313ad). This “Great Tribulation” is the first phase that ends with the Victory of Christ. It is the first phase toward the Total Victory of Christ in the end. Fr. Kramer says “The various phases of this conflict between the Church and Satan will be revealed in the opening of the seals, the blowing of the trumpets, the emptying of the bowls upon the world and the final victory of Christ.” (P148)
Apoc 6
(1) Apoc 6:1-2 - White Horse = The White Horse is a Symbol for the Persecution and Triumph of the Roman Empire off and on for a long time with the Power given it by Christ (the white horse is not a symbol of Christ - see pp151-152)
Voice of Thunder = voice of the lion = Papacy - he commands all people to hear these revelations.
(my note: Voice of the papacy - It’s probably consoling to Christians to know God is in control and Christ will be victorious)
Crown = power given from above (John 19:11)
(2) Apoc 6:3-4 - Red Horse = War = Red Horse is the Symbol of War used to carry out God’s Purposes Justly on the Wicked (destruction of the Roman Empire)
Rider = St. Michael?
(3) Apoc 6:5-6 - Black Horse = Famine = The Black Horse is a Symbol of Famine that God uses through the Church to Justly Chastise the Wicked (destruction of the Roman Empire).
The church has the power to limit harm to Christians.
(4) Apoc 6:7-8 - Pale Horse = Pestilence = violent death = violent death is the punishment for apostasy (total destruction of the Roman Empire is for apostasy)
(5) Apoc 6:9-10 - Souls of the Martyrs = crying for Justice. These were the souls who were martyred by the Romans and Jews. These martyrs are in heaven (Church Triumphant) interceding for God’s glory and Justice
Under the altar = near Christ in the Eucharist
(6) Apoc 6:12-17 Powers of Heaven = earthquake (Hag 2:7-8 DRV, Hag 2:6-7 KJV ) = Spiritual Revolution = overthrow of paganism = Catholic Church becomes the official religion of the empire by 392ad.
Sun, moon, stars = Church
becoming dark = heresies coming
Apoc 6:15 - Wrath of the Lamb = Eucharistic Lamb carries out the judgement

(D) Growth of the Church (Apoc 7)
(while heresies grow - 313ad-1517ad)
Apoc 7:4 - The Tribes Listed and their Numbers are symbolic of those Who will be Converted to the Catholic Church - The Sealing is the Sacrament of Confirmation
Apoc 7:14 - Great Tribulation (Roman persecutions) - The Church has been freed and is growing (after 313ad) - washed by the Eucharistic Sacrifice
Have Washed their Robes - After the Persecutions (Religious Liberty), the Church Worships God in the Eucharist and Grows in Grace (washing their robes)
“The ‘great tribulation’ is a stereotyped phrase used often in the Apocalypse and elsewhere in the New Testament (Matt 24:21) for the Roman persecutions.”(See Apoc 7:14)(quote is under Apoc 2:22, p81)(my note: I think this means this phrase does not necessarily have to mean the Tribulation before the millennial reign.)
Apoc 8
(7) Seventh seal = Seven Trumpets

(E) Trumpets = Trumpets are Epochs (p194). They announce judgement for heresies (p189) and/or announce future victories of Christ (p240). The Last 3 Trumpets coincide with the Three Woes (note under Apoc 11:14, p268). The Heresies are institutionalized over time and bring on the Woes. By the time of the Fifth Trumpet, heresies and schisms are infecting much of the world, therefore, the Woes are more serious and bring major judgements.
Angels = prophets which announce the Trumpets
Apoc 8
(1) First Trumpet (Apoc 8:7) = Arianism (300ad-700ad)(punishment: the barbarian invasions, 375-476ad, p195-196)
(2) Second Trumpet (Apoc 8:8) = Mohammedism (600ad-700’s)(punishment for paganism, schism, heresy and luxury, pp197-198)


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(3) Third Trumpet (Apoc 8:10-11)= Greek Schism = Wormwood (857ad-1054ad) announces the Second Woe - this is because the Greek Schism eventually reached Russia (863ad) which was the source and remote cause of communism. Fr. Kramer says, “After the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, the learned Greeks fled to western Europe bringing with them the culture of the decadent schismatic church and caused a partial return to paganism in the Renaissance period. The Church entered the Renaissance movement to direct it along

Christian standards and succeeded fairly well, still many people died spiritually from the wormwood doctrines and culture of the Greeks. And this was one of the causes which brought the greater darkening of the world as described in the next chapter (Apoc 9:2). The final result of the Greek Schism appears in Communism, which is a complete return to unbelief and barbarism.” (note under Apoc 8:10-11, p205). Denial of the Authority of the Church leads to Communism (ex: Greek Schism lead to Russian Orthodox) “The Mohammedan Turks subjected all those countries that had fallen into the schism except Russia. This is another evident example of the abhorrence of God for heresy and schism.” (p204) (my note: This means the whole area that went into the Greek schism was taken over by the Muslims.)
(4) Fourth Trumpet (Apoc 8:12) = The Great Western Schism = Antipopes (1378ad-1417ad)
Apoc 9 - This had the effect on the church of losing its influence. Many in the clergy were no longer looked up to but became decadent in their ambitions to the detriment of the faithful.
(5) Fifth Trumpet (Apoc 9:1) = Protestantism (1517ad)
Fallen Star = Luther (Apoc 9:1) - “As God revealed the truth to Peter enabling him to make a clear declaration of it before Christ and the Apostles, so the “king of the bottomless abyss” (Exterminans = Destroyer = Satan - Apoc 9:11) infused his errors into the mind of this fallen star inspiring him to teach and spread error and immorality over the world…..The possessor of the key of the pit is then the head of Satan’s church, as Peter is the head of Christ’s Church.” (p215)


The Period from Luther to the Antichrist

The First Woe begins = the period from Luther to the Antichrist (Apoc 9:1-12 & Apoc 11:1-2)
This is a period of the separation of the faithful from the wicked (Apoc 11:1)
Communism comes into existence near the end of this period
Luther’s revolt leads to The Antichrist

(6) Sixth Trumpet = Voice of Religious Orders
(Apoc 9:13) - 4 Horns = Religious Orders - founded since the appearance of Protestantism
The Sixth Trumpet is the voice of religious orders after the Council of Trent (1543-1565) announcing the Church’s Readiness to Battle Protestantism, Communism and the Antichrist (Apoc 9:13-11:13 = First and Second Woes) - The effects from these orders and this council continue to help preserve the church and lead to another General Council at the end of the First Woe and to the restoration in the millennial reign)
The effects of the 5th and 6th Trumpets continue under the Tribulation; the Seventh Trumpet comes at the very end of the Tribulation. [My note: The Sixth Trumpet (Council of Trent and Religious Orders) and the Seven Thunders (General Council) (Apoc 10:3-4) are manifested in the End Times as in 2 Thess 2:14 - DRV, 2 Thess 2:13 - KJV]
3 Plagues (Apoc 9:18) - The Plagues describe the character of militaristic communism (Four Angels Apoc 9:14)
Four Angels (communism) wipe out 1/3 of world population = means they are wiped out spiritually - they are spiritually dead
3 Plagues:
Fire = hatred
Smoke = blasphemy
Brimstone (sulphur) - immorality & sensuality
This means hatred of God begets disobedience of His law and leads to immorality, and expresses itself against Him in blasphemies.
200 million men (Apoc 9:16) = world revolution
Mouths and Tails (Apoc 9:17) = communist propaganda - Communism uses Propaganda to deceive and Cause People to Leave the Church
(F) Apoc 10 - Announcing and describing the Second Woe
The whole chapter describes Restoration and Tribulation growing at the same time from the period of the battle inside the church to the ending with the death of the two witnesses (Apoc 11:1-14).
This is a time of Preparation for the Church to fight The Antichrist (Apoc 10)
Apoc 10:1 Mercy (rainbow - Apoc 4:3) announced by St. Michael regarding the church but also a warning of judgements upon the world. (P239)
Apoc 10:3-4 - Seven Thunders = Decrees from an Ecumenical Council kept secret until the time of The Antichrist (my note: these are powerful tools of restoration)
Apoc 10:7 Mystery of God = Era of Peace or millennial reign (it is announced here in Apoc 10)

Timeline Breakdown (p240)

Below is my interpretation of the complicated phrases found on page 240 regarding Apoc 10
If you lose your place, Apoc 10 is simply describing the Second Woe.

(1) Apoc 10:1-11 introduces what Apoc 11:1-14 relates
Explanation: This takes in the period from the end of the First Woe which is the Battle inside the church (Apoc 11:1-2, Apoc 9:12) up until the end of the Second Woe which ends with the death of the Two Witnesses (Apoc 11:14, Apoc 9:15-21). Apoc 10 announces what is going to happen and not what has happened. Apoc 10 announces two things:


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Restoration and Tribulation

Restoration - The remote preparation of Restoration beginning with the Council of Trent concludes with the Restoration through another General Council (Apoc 12:13, p295; Apoc 11:11 = spirit of life = General Council, p264) and the Restoration of Jerusalem by the Two Witnesses (Apoc 11:3-11)
Tribulation - Tribulation reaching its height and concludes with the death of the Two Witnesses
(Apoc 11:1-14 is the culmination of evil begun in Apoc 9:15-21)

(2) Apoc 9:13 Sixth Trumpet announces the Second Woe
Explanation: This period is from Apoc 9:13 through Apoc 11:14 which is the Second Woe - the events in these verses are continuous
There is Tribulation and Restoration growing at the same time

(3) Apoc 10 is a distant event that begins in Apoc 11:1
Explanation: Apoc 10 is a period of restoration and preparation that begins in Apoc 11:1-2 with the battle in the church (Apoc 12)

(4) Apoc 12 and Apoc 13 are a different phase of that same event
Apoc 11:1-2 is the battle in the church described in Apoc 12 (Restoration begins inside church)
Apoc 11:3-14 is the battle outside the church by the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem (Restoration begins inside Jerusalem)

(5) Apoc 10 is a full development of the Second Woe
Explanation: Apoc 10 describes the full Restoration of the Church ready to battle The Antichrist

(6) Apoc 10 therefore is a time of preparation for the church to enable her to face the trials in Apoc 11-14
Explanation: Preparation (time to prepare to bring judgement) to battle The Antichrist

(7) Apoc 7 was a preparation for Apoc 8:7-13 (comparison)
Explanation: Preparation (Judgement) to face previous heresies

The end of Apoc 10

Apoc 12 goes before Apoc 11

(G) Battle inside the Church with Satan (Apoc 12)
(This Battle takes place before most of Apoc 11 so Apoc 12 is first)

Battle inside the Church = We may be here. God Only knows. This is the ongoing battle before the battle with the Antichrist - the conclusion of the First Woe (Apoc 11:2) [my note: This battle takes place over a long period of time like maybe from 1917? to 2029? 2050? Who knows. Something like that. It concludes with Apoc 11:2. My opinion is that most Catholics, by choice, will fall away, which is apostasy, (the lukewarm and unrepentant) and become part of the kingdom of The Antichrist. It’s possible I could easily fall into this group too if I’m not spiritually prepared. Things will get rough during this period leading up to the Tribulation. You have to be willing to give up everything for the faith.]

General breakdown
Apoc 12:1-3 Battle inside the Church with Satan or the Red Dragon (Communism) introduced
(my note: Communism through ecclesiastical freemasonry)
Apoc 12:4-6 A brief explanation of what is more fully explained in Apoc 12:7-12.
Apoc 12:7-12 Battle in the Church - Church Victorious

(Apoc 12 continues in the Second Woe below)

Apoc 12 - Details
Apoc 12:5 Son = Great Pope
Apoc 12:5 Iron Rod = separation of the good from the wicked
Apoc 12:5 taken up = Great Pope assassinated
Apoc 12:6 - a thousand two hundred sixty days = The 1260 days co-incide with the same period during which the Two Witnesses are active in Jerusalem (Apoc 11:3) and also with the time and times and half a time in Apoc 12:14 (p287).
Pope and cardinals in Rome
Apoc 12:13 - Great Pope murdered in Rome
[my note: The False Prophet (Apoc 13:11) takes over the Apostate Church or false church.
Fr. Kramer says, “The Church having fled from Rome after the murder of the pope leaves the papal chair vacant. This false prophet possibly at the behest of Antichrist usurps the papal supremacy and proposes himself as emperor of Rome.” (P318). The next Pope elected later orders the plagues - see note on Apoc 16:1. Fr Kramer doesn’t say when or where this new pope was elected.]

(Apoc 12 continues in the Second Woe below)

Apoc 11 Breakdown - Timeline
First Woe - Apoc 11:1-2 Luther to Antichrist (Apoc 9:1-12) (Apoc 11:1-2 = only shows the very end of First Woe)

Apoc 11 Details
Apoc 11 starts right before the Tribulation and continues after Tribulation starts (see below)
Apoc 11:1-2 the period from Luther to the Two Witnesses ends right before the beginnng of the Tribulation with the ending of the battle inside the church
Measuring the Temple (Apoc 11:1) = decrease in size of church (a remnant church? - a decrease in the size of the Church before the Tribulation)
Measuring Rod = severity by which the Faithful are separated from the unfaithful (Wicked) (Zech 11:7)

(Apoc 11 continues in the Second Woe below)


The Period from The Antichrist (with Communist world government) to the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses

(H) Tribulation Seven Years - Second Woe and Third Woe (Apoc 11-19)

(my note: I don’t see where Fr. Kramer calls this period the Tribulation but he does divide most of it up between the Second Woe and Third Woe. The seven years are shown in Apoc 11. - see note on Apoc 2:22)

The Second Woe begins (Apoc 11:3 - Apoc 11:13 and Apoc 12:14-19) - the period from The Antichrist (with Communist world government) to the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses


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Timeline: Apoc 12:14-19 is Simultaneous with Apoc 11:3-13
The 1,260 days in Apoc 12:6 and Apoc 12:14
coincide with Apoc 11:3 - This means the 3 1/3 years the church is in hiding (Apoc 12:14) is going on simultaneously while the Two Witnesses are converting Jerusalem ( Apoc 11:3-13).

General breakdown (continued)
Apoc 12:13-19 Malice of the Dragon - Satan retaliates

Apoc 12 - Details (continued)
Apoc 12:14 - Cardinals flee Rome to sanctuary of the Great Eagle - (my note: Great Eagle = US? Portugal?) (Ezek 17:3,7, Is 40:31)
Apoc 12:14 - a time and times, and half a time = “Evidently it is three and a half years actual time. The time given in verse 14 is indefinite, similar to that of Daniel (Dan 12:7); But since in Daniel (Dan 12:11) it seems to mean 1290 days, so here it evidently synchronizes with the 1260 days of verse 6 and the same period in chapter eleven (p297).”
Apoc 12:15 - Remnant Church slandered by Satan
Apoc 12:16 - Remnant Church protected in Great Eagle
Apoc 12:17-18 - Remnant Church and allied countries politically attacked [Some Catholics politically attacked will persevere. Fr. Kramer says
some Protestants will persevere too through God’s mercy if they are sincere in their faith in spite of being taught heretical teachings (Ezek 13)(p299)].

Apoc 11 Breakdown - Timeline for the whole chapter (Restoration and Tribulation at the same time )
First Woe - Apoc 11:1-2 Luther to Antichrist (Apoc 9:1-12) (Apoc 11:1-2 = only shows the very end of First Woe)
Second Woe - Apoc 11:3-11:13 Antichrist to death of Two Witnesses and conversion of Jerusalem
Transition from Second Woe to Third Woe (Apoc 11:14)
Apoc 11:9-13 Reign of the Antichrist (3 1/2 years) in Jerusalem (Antichrist then moves to Rome)
Seventh Trumpet (Apoc 11:15) = the Victory of Christ announced (Apoc 14)
Third Woe - Third Woe announced (Apoc 11:16-19) Period between the Death of Two Witnesses to defeat of The Antichrist (Apoc 16-19)

Apoc 11 Details - Breakdown into 4 parts:
(1) Restoration of Church Begins - First 3 1/2 Years
Two Witnesses preach for first 3 1/2 years of the Trib (Apoc 11:3-6); Restoration of the Church in Jerusalem by the Two Witnesses
Church moves from the Great Eagle to Jerusalem during this first 3 1/2 years (Apoc 11:8 - see Fr Kramer’s note)(Apoc 12:14)

Tribulation or Reign of the Antichrist for 3 1/2 years then defeated in Jerusalem (Apoc 11:7-13)
Antichrist then moves to Rome (Apoc 11:13, Apoc 17:18)
Apoc 11 continued
Apoc 11:6 Three Plagues - Two Witnesses exercise Gift of Miracles
First 3 Plagues:
(1) Waters (drought)
(2)Blood = separation into two opposing armies?
(3) or any of the same plagues Moses struck Egypt with.
(The three plagues are directed against followers of The Antichrist.)
Apoc 11:7 Two Witnesses killed

(3) Seventh Trumpet = Victory of Christ (Apoc 11:15) - Thousand Year Reign announced to come in the future
Period of Seventh Trumpet = Thousand Year Reign (Apoc 20:2-7)

(4) Third Woe announced
Announces the end of the Third Woe - defeat of the Antichrist which ends with Apoc 19 (Apoc 11:19, Apoc 15:5)

Apoc 13 Battle of Church with the Beasts - the False Prophet and The Antichrist
Apoc 13 (my note: Part of the Second Woe)

Description of Antichrist and False Prophet
Terrifying vision of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet and their persecution of the Church to come
Beast (Apoc 13:1) - Antichrist plus an empire
Wound (Apoc 13:3) “This is the reestablishment of the old pagan Roman Empire. The “wound” was the war with Constantine in which he overthrew the Roman Caesars and paganism. When Antichrist rules, this wound will be healed and will come the worship of Antichrist. The False Prophet will promote this and will order the worship of his statue and person.” (P310)
False Prophet (Apoc 13:11) - an apostate Cardinal or Bishop who usurps papal supremacy
The False Prophet makes a Statue Speak (Apoc 13:15) - [my note: Could this be the Abomination of Desolation in Dan 12:11? Dan 9:27? Matt 24:15? Fr. Kramer doesn’t say. Fr. Kramer says: “The word "image" is in the singular number, indicating only one statue, which he may set up in the great church, St. Peter's.”(p323) I interpret this to mean that a statue is put in place of the Eucharistic sacrifice, virtually stopping the sacrifice. Since it says it is in only one place, maybe it’s not the Abomination? Parallel verses are Dan 3:5-6]
Fr. Berry says making a statue speak = paganism
Mark of the Beast (Apoc 13:16) - some kind of brand on the foreheads
No buying or selling (Apoc 13:17) - purpose is to take away the wealth of those who will not submit to the Antichrist. This was done to Catholics in Protestant countries.
Number of the Beast is 666 (Apoc 13:18) - a cryptogram in Greek language. The Apocalypse was originally written in Greek. Fr. Kramer says the numbers will make it possible for the true believers (his followers) to recognize him. St. Irenaeus warns against proposing any name as certain as to the meaning of the numbers. St. Irenaeus was a disciple of St. Polycarp who was a disciple of St. John.


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Apoc 14 Church announces the Victory of Christ ahead of time (Apoc 11:15)
Apoc 14 (my note: Part of the Second Woe)

Church warning the Antichrist and his followers (Apoc 14:6-20)
Church is in Jerusalem (Apoc 14:1)
144,000 (Apoc 14:1) - not the same 144,000 as in Apoc 7:3. These are those in religious orders from the nations of the world (Apoc 14:4). Those in Apoc 7:4 were a remnant from the 12 Tribes of Israel. The number is symbolic. The name on their foreheads is the Sacrament of Confirmation. Same as the “Signed” in Apoc 7:4.
Predicts the Fall of Rome (Apoc 14:8) - takes place in Apoc 18
Pope or Religious boldly preach gospel to the world (Apoc 14:6). This is after the death of the two witnesses.

Apoc 15 (my note: Part of the Second Woe)

Apoc 15 Preparations for the Third Woe
Apoc 15 Church prepares to exercise the Gift of Miracles
This chapter is between Second Woe and Third Woe (Apoc 11:14) (p351)
Apoc 15:1 Sign = The sign is seven angels holding the seven last plagues. Church prepares to exercise the Gift of Miracles = Plagues - the church warns The Antichrist and his followers of the last 7 Plagues that come in Apoc 16


The Period from the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses until the defeat of the Antichrist [Battle of Armegeddon]

The Third Woe begins (Apoc 16-19; Apoc 11:14-19) (p268) - the period from the resurrection of the Two Witnesses until defeat of the Antichrist [Battle of Armegedon (Actual Battle - Apoc 19:19; prophecied in Apoc 16:16) notice: No
Physical Battle really takes place (see below under Seventh Trumpet)]

Apoc 16 Actual Battle of the Church with the Two Beasts begins

Battle begins outside the Church (second
3 1/2 years)
Apoc 16:1 Great Voice = Lion = Pope - “The voice from the throne is the voice of one of the four living beings, the lion, the Head of the Church. He may have gone to Jerusalem incognito after the ascension of the Two Prophets and ordered the seven plagues.” (Under note on Apoc 19:5, p429)
Vials (bowls) - (Apoc 16)
Vials (bowls) = Plagues - judgements on the Beast
Apoc 16
(1) Malignant Sores = real sores on followers
of the Antichrist
(2) Blood = Wars and Revolution
(3) Rivers = teachers of error and blasphemy
are punished
(4) Sun = feeling the effects of God’s justice
(5) Dark = General confusion
(6) Drying up of the Water = Nations of the
Antichrist reduced in strength
(7) Earthquake = social upheaval followed by
the fall of the Antichrist
Apoc 16:13 The False Prophet
Apoc 16:16 Battle of Armagedon Announced

Apoc 17 The Harlot (The Whore of Babylon)

Apoc 17:1 The Harlot is the City of Rome, the False Prophet and the whole Pagan Empire
Apoc 17:5 Babylon the Great = New Pagan Rome
Apoc 17:9-10
Mountains = Kings and Kingdoms
Seven Heads = Dynasties of Seven World empires
(They are successive - do not exist at the same time)
Five are fallen = Egyptian Empire up to Roman Empire (Past)
One is = Roman Empire (Present or currently existing at the time of St. John)
One is Not yet come = Empire of Antichrist (Future)
Apoc 17:11
Eight = referring to the Beast as the Person of the Antichrist
Seven = referring to the Empire of the Antichrist
Apoc 17:12
Ten Horns = Ten Nations or a large number
Ten Kings = Rulers under Antichrist
One Hour = describes short reign
Apoc 17:18
Woman = Harlot = Rome = ‘Harlot’ means the great Apostate (my note: this includes the Apostate Church too)
Woman = goes from being the secondary capital
of The Antichrist to the first capital after Jerusalem turns against him (antichrist)(Apoc 11:13)

Apoc 18 Rome and Pagan Empire Destroyed

Apoc 18:7 Harlot (Whore) is wife of The Antichrist
Apoc 18:9 Rome destroyed
Apoc 18:18 Antichrist defeated in Rome (after this the Antichrist returns to Jerusalem) The Antichrist had been defeated in Jerusalem (Apoc 11:13) and had moved his headquarters to Rome (see underline above under Apoc 11
(my note: obviously the army was not defeated because it eventually goes to Jerusalem for the battle of Armegeddon)

Apoc 19 Defeat of The Antichrist

Antichrist and False Prophet defeated and
thrown into the pool of fire (Apoc 19:20) (p441)
Notice: This is before the battle takes place!
DESTROYS THE FALSE PROPHET AND THE ANTICHRIST. Christ in the Eucharist initiates the defeat of The Antichrist through a command from His mouth like the voice of a Trumpet (2 Thess 2:8, Is 11:4).

DESTROYS THE ARMY OF THE ANTICHRIST - Christ in the Eucharist defeats the army of the Antichrist without a real military battle (Battle of Armageddon - Apoc 19:21). This is done in some mysterious way. The defeat of the False Prophet and The Antichrist through the Eucharist may be at the same time as the Great Earthquake (predicted in Apoc 11:19 and Apoc 16:18-20) which destroys the army.


Active Member
Protestantism (Fifth Trumpet) ends here (Protestantism over time leads to full-blown apostasy under communism which is part of the kingdom of The Antichrist) Fr Kramer speaks of this under Apoc 20:1 summing up Apoc 19. He links the angel in Apoc 9:1 with the angel in Apoc 20:1. This links the Fallen Star (Luther), who opened the bottomless pit, to an Angel (Bishop), who closes the bottomless pit. He also says Protestantism was the inventor of freemasonry (Protestant England - 1717).
[my note: Protestantism ends here. Protestantism is either absorbed into communism or some members are converted to Catholicism. Maybe you could put the end of Protestantism at the end of either the First Woe or the Second Woe but Fr. Kramer isn’t clear. It seems, at least, by the end of the Second Woe everyone would be in either one of these two distinct camps (communism or Catholicism). Also, in my opinion, this would include all fallen away Catholics (absorbed into communism) which would be most Catholics either because they are lukewarm, and will not be willing to give up everything for the faith, or because they are modernists (Heretics). Remember: Near the Tribulation, many Catholics in the Church will be Modernists which are apostates that stay in the church. They will probably be gone by the end of the First Woe.]

Third Woe - End of Third Woe

(I) Thousand Year Reign (Apoc 20:2-7)

(E) Seventh Trumpet is the Victory of Christ (announced in Apoc 11:15) which includes the Millennial Reign (Era of Peace) to the Second Coming (Apoc 20:1-15) [this is under Fr Kramer’s note on Apoc 8:2 - this Seventh Trumpet is not the Second Coming. It is in this world (Is 65:17-25)]
(my note: In other words, the Seventh Trumpet is a period of time)

Dragon (Satan) - bound in bottomless pit
(Apoc 20:2) It is fitting that Satan is bound here at the beginning of the Thousand Year Reign because he will be loosed at the end of the Thousand Year Reign (Apoc 20:7)

Christ reigning in the Eucharist is not
the Second Coming of Christ
but the
near unanimous reign of Christ on earth in the
MILLENARIANISM (condemned in 1944) AND FR. KRAMER AND FR.BERRY’S VIEW. Christ will reign in the Eucharist.
KEY: Christ’s unanimous reign in the Eucharist takes the place of the Dispensationalist’s Second Coming before the millennial reign.

Restoration Complete - Restoration of Church complete - Only ONE Church, the Catholic Church. This age of peace could be anywhere from 1,000 years to 2,000 years, almost heaven on earth. In this minority Catholic View, the church, of course, is literally on earth during the millennial reign (Church Militant) but also in Purgatory (Church Suffering), which is in the upper part of hell, and in heaven (Church Triumphant) (Phil 2:10) all at the same time as it is now. No difference (Doctrine of the Communion of Saints).
(my note: There are no glorified bodies walking around on earth during the millennial reign. see note on Apoc 20:4-6, p452)
Millennial Reign = The New Heavens
(Mature Church) and the New Earth
(Changed Society) (Apoc 21-22) Apoc 21-22 describe the Millenial reign. (my note:
This is also where Ezek 40-48 fits in)

(J) Satan loosed (Apoc 20:7)

(K) Battle of Gog and Magog (Apoc 20:7)

(L) Second Era of Peace (like a mini millennial
reign)- very short ( Apoc 20:9-10; Ezek 39:22-29)
Apoc 20:10 Day and night for ever and ever = another Era of Peace = “day and night” is separate from “for ever and ever” - this means that time goes on for awhile (my note: These people that survive the battle or who are born after the battle must have time to prepare their souls)
Fr. Kramer says “The ‘seven years’ (Ezek 39:9) of Ezechiel may be and probably are a symbolic number. Ezechiel indicates (Ezek 39:22-29) some lapse of time from Gog to the end of the world and likewise a speedy arrival of the end after the last war of Gog” (Ezek 38:8)(quote under Apoc 20:11, p.463).

M-Q Happens Basically At The Same Time

(M) Second Coming (Apoc 20:11, 1 Thess 4:13-18; Mark 13:24-27 - There is NO Rapture - this is the Second Coming ) “The One sitting upon the Great White Throne before whose face heaven and earth flee away is Christ coming in the clouds to judge the world.” (Fr. Kramer, p462) (my note: I think he says it this way to emphasize that no one knows the time of the Second Coming)(also see Apoc 1:7)

(N) Satan thrown into the pool of fire (Apoc 20:9-10)

(O) The Great White Throne Judgement (Apoc 20:11-15; John 5:22)

(P) Resurrection of the Dead (the Just and the
wicked - the Just receive glorified bodies at the
Resurrection - 1 Cor 15:42-48; Dan 12:2)

(Q) Heavens and Earth destroyed on the last day
(Matt 24:29, 2 Pet 3:10-12; 1 Cor 15:24-28)

Books to Read on Biblical Prophecy
The Book of Destiny by Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer
Written in 1930’s, published in 1955 (republished by Tan Books)
The Apocalypse of St. John by Fr. E. Sylvester Berry
Published in 1921 (republished by St. Pius X Press)
Book to read on the historical perspective of the crisis in the church caused by its enemies as it relates to the possible end times
The Present Crisis of the Holy See by Cardinal Manning
Published in 1861


Active Member
The Harlot of Whore of Babylon

Apoc 17:1 ….Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters: (DRV)
Apoc 17:1 …..Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: (KJV)

The Woman Clothed with the Sun

Apoc 12:1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

The Two Women of the Apocalypse - my commentary

I think this is Fr. Kramer’s pivotal point in the Book of the Apocalypse. Fr. Kramer points out the two women in the Apocalypse: The Woman clothed with the sun (Apoc 12) and the Woman who is the Harlot or Whore of Babylon (Apoc 17). The Woman clothed with the sun is the “Catholic Church”, the Bride of Christ. The Woman, the Whore of Babylon or the Harlot, is the False Church or Apostate Church. This Apostate Church or Whore, which is centered in Rome, includes the City of Rome, the False Prophet and the whole Pagan Empire. This Apostate Church includes all apostate religions such as Protestantism and all the previous heretical groups over the centuries (this is the definition of Modernism, the synthesis of all heresies). The institutionalization of this Apostate Church started with Luther and was an attack from the outside. Apoc 12 shows how this Apostate Church, that began with Protestantism and its attack from the outside, culminates with an attack on the inside through infiltration by freemasonry, modernism and communism (see the Masonic document titled “The Alta Vendita”, 1859). Infiltration is the Gramsci Method of communism. I have read many books on this but a good single source showing this infiltration is a book titled “Infiltration” by Dr. Taylor Marshall.

Here is Fr. Kramer’s interpretation of the verses of Apoc 12:

Apoc 12:1 Woman clothed with the sun is the Catholic Church
Apoc 12:2 War within the church during a papal election
Apoc 12:3 Communism and ecclesiastical freemasonry are the enemies of the Church
Apoc 12:4 One third of the clergy will follow communism (Great Apostasy)
Apoc 12:5 Great good Pope comes out of this Church to rule nations (Next to last Pope)
Apoc 12:6 the good Cardinals flee Rome
Apoc 12:7 Battle in the Church
Apoc 12:8 Apostate Clergy driven out of the Church
Apoc 12:9 Apostate Bishops driven out of the Church
Apoc 12:10 Restoration of the Kingship of Christ
Apoc 12:11 Church fearlessly Professes Faith - Blood of the Martyrs
Apoc 12:12 Dragon defeated inside the Church. Dragon begins attacks on the outside of the Church.
Apoc 12:13 Persecution of Pope and Cardinals begins. Pope murdered.
Apoc 12:14 Cardinals flee to the Sanctuary of the Great Eagle (USA? Portugal?)
Apoc 12:15 Communism and Freemasonry slandering the Cardinals in the Sanctuary of the Great Eagle
Apoc 12:16 The Great Eagle will protect Cardinals
Apoc 12:17 The Dragon (World Government) starts war with the Great Eagle (US) and allied nations
Apoc 12:18 Satan Fails to destroy the Church through World Government

A Short Narration of Apoc 12-19

As you can see, Fr Kramer interprets Apoc 12 as “in this world” rather than taking place in heaven. He says in the OT the Holy City is called the “strength of heaven” (Dan 8:10). He says Our Lord referred to the church as the “kingdom of heaven”(Matt 4:17, Matt 10:7, Matt 16:19, etc)(pp114- 115). Apoc 12 describes a war inside the Catholic Church mainly between Catholic Cardinals and Bishops and Freemasonic Cardinals and Bishops. This describes a schism. At the climax, one third of the Cardinals and Bishops are Apostates (Modernists). A good Pope is miraculously elected in a conclave and he drives out all the apostate cardinals and bishops and begins the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King. It’s not clear to me if these apostate bishops leave Rome and return or if they simply have their powers taken away (fired) and they remain in Rome. Usually undesirable bishops are kicked upstairs but these are unusual times. Either way they end up in Rome and ruling the apostate church. At this point, you have good bishops ruling in Rome and apostate bishops not ruling in Rome. Then the One-World Government begins their attack on the Catholic Church from the outside. Persecution of the good Catholic Cardinals and Bishops takes place and this culminates with the murder of the good pope. The apostate Cardinals and Bishops then rule in Rome. First the apostate bishops elect an antipope or apostate bishop or cleric (who usurps the Papacy) but eventually this leads to a bishop or cleric who becomes the False Prophet. The good Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and clergy elect a new pope and flee Rome and are hidden in a country not totally taken over by Communism and Freemasonry (Apoc 12:14) (USA? Portugal?). By Divine Providence they are protected by this nation. Elsewhere in the Book of the Apocalypse, it shows that the good Pope and Cardinals stay hidden until the Two Witnesses begin the conversion of the Jews in Jerusalem. At some point during those first 3 1/2 years, the Catholic Church moves to Jerusalem.


Active Member
The Church is very strong by the time the Two Witnesses are murdered. The Church takes on the Antichrist and drives Him out. The Antichrist eventually moves to Rome and joins the False Prophet as head of the Apostate Church (Whore of Babylon) and One-World Government. He rules from Rome. The church defeats the False Prophet and The Antichrist at Armegeddon and throws them into a pool of fire. Satan is bound in a bottomless pit.
my note: In conclusion, and in my opinion, the schism in the church and the eventual move to Jerusalem is the pivotal point.

The Antichrist - My Commentary

Apoc 13:1 And I saw a beast coming up out the sea, having seven heads and ten horns: and upon his horns, ten diadems: and upon his heads, names of blasphemy.

1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour: and as you have heard that Antichrist cometh, even now there are become many Antichrists: whereby we know that it is the last hour.

When you think about Catholics and prophecy, I’m sure the “Whore of Babylon” and the “Pope is The Antichrist” are the first things on your mind. You have probably been conditioned to believe that the Pope is The Antichrist. We would ask: Which pope? Luther said it was Pope Leo X. Can they all be the antichrist? No. Only one person can be THE Antichrist. Matter of fact, no pope will ever be THE Antichrist. It is possible that an “Antipope” (an illegitimate pope) or a lower cleric or bishop could be the False Prophet (Apoc 13:11). We have had 37 antipopes in our history. I can see why Luther and the other revolutionaries would have called the pope AN antichrist but not THE Antichrist. If Luther really thought the Catholic Church had apostasized, he would have naturally concluded this. Generally, the term “antichrist” was used to describe someone who said one thing but meant another (Lapide’s Commentary on 1 John 2:22). Luther perhaps used the term “antichrist” in this general way. Most commentators on the End Times still have the coming of THE Antichrist in the future. Luther’s protest in 1517 has led to the decline of church and state around the world that we see today. What happens to the church happens to society. The church is the center, it is the Bride of Christ. Pope Leo’s subsequent condemnation of Luther with the papal bull, Exurge Domine, in 1520, defined a new period which Fr. Kramer says is The First Woe. This is a period of separation from the church that would culminate with the coming of The Antichrist. The Protestant revolutionaries are the ones that went into apostasy and not the Catholic Church. Fr Kramer calls it a “partial apostasy”* that would lead to a full-blown apostasy with communism. The blame squarely lies with the Protestant revolutionaries. Even when the church is weak you cannot leave it. Leaving the church was Luther’s mistake. This shows the seriousness of a divided christianity. A divided Christianity leads directly to the Antichrist. We need a “Restoration”, not a Reformation or a Revolution. When the “Restoration”** comes, in the millennial reign, there will be only ONE Church, the Catholic Church.

*Partial Apostasy: Fr Kramer describes Protestantism as a “partial apostasy”. Cardinal Manning says the mark and characteristic of protestantism is the suppression of the “Continual Sacrifice” (Dan 11:31, Dan 12:11 - Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)(The Present Crisis in the Holy See, p124). In Protestant countries it was suppressed. This is apostasy. The “Continual Sacrifice” will be almost totally suppressed in the world under communism.

“The Prophet Daniel, in the twelfth chapter, says that in the time of the end "many shall be chosen and made white, and shall be tried as fire; and the wicked shall deal wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the learned shall understand;" (Dan 12:10) that is, many who have known the faith shall abandon it, by apostasy. "Some of the learned shall fall;" (Daniel 11:33) that is, they shall fall from their fidelity to God.” (Present Crisis in the Holy See, Cardinal Manning, 1861, p127)

**Restoration - means fixing, building up or strengthening the “same” church [Apoc 12 - battle to restore all things, Matt 17:11, 2 Thess 2:14 (DRV) 2 Thess 2:15 (KJV)]


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The First Woe - From Luther to the Antichrist - My Commentary (Apoc 9:1-12 & Apoc 11:1-2)

I believe, like Cardinal Manning, that since 1517ad, protestantism has institutionalized the revolution over the last 500 years. By revolution I mean all heresies prior to Luther, including Luther’s revolt. This institutionalization weakened christendom by widening the division that led to Nationalism. Nationalism was the Freemasonic solution. Nationalism led to Communism. The stated Freemasonic Plan was to bring down the structure of Christendom and level it to the ground and then rebuild a new structure of anti-Christendom on the ruins. Nationalism was the tool used to break down Christendom (Catholic and Protestant Confessional States) and Communism is the tool, in turn, to break down Nationalism (Nations) to then rebuild this Anti-Christian structure on these ruins. This Anti-Christian structure is The New World Order or The One-World Government. Nationalism and Communism are both worship of the state because most people put all their trust in them instead of God. The Catholic Confessional States were destroyed by Nationalism and Nationalism (Nations) is being destroyed by Communism. The permanent division of Catholics and protestants started in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia following the Thirty Years War. The golden era of separate Catholic and Protestant confessional states existed from 1648-1789 (141 yrs). The golden era of Nationalism existed from 1789-1917 (128 yrs). The golden era of Communism is from 1917-2029? (112 yrs). This is my interpretation only. During the period of Communism, Freemasonry destroys Nations and that’s what is happening right now with our own country. In my opinion, you saw this at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 when the victors began merging countries and eliminating countries in Eastern Europe and this has been going on since the French Revolution in 1789. At the end of World War II, the Allies turned over half of Europe to communist Russia. Right now our country is being merged with Canada and Mexico. This is happening all around the world. Every war since 1789 was designed to further this plan. Nationalism merged Catholic and Protestant regions into single nations and Communism is merging ALL pagan or secular countries into a ONE WORLD country or nation and religion. Freemasonry’s stated goal is to regionalize the world into 7 regions and then merge these 7 regions into a One-World Government. I believe we are nearing the completion of the Communist Revolution which ushers in The Anti-Christian One World Government and the Antichrist.

The first leads to the second and the second leads to the third (Cause and Effect):

1517 Anti-Church (Luther)
1717 Anti-State (Freemasonry)
1917 Anti-Christ (Communism)


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Hi Everyone,

I admit I don’t know the Book of Daniel very well but I wanted to know why Fr Kramer didn’t quote Daniel 9 but only twice. I’m probably directing this post mainly to dispensationalists. Here’s my study of it so far. I’m just thinking out loud with these notes.

Restoration of the Temple

I thought I would add a little commentary on the 70 Weeks of Daniel. Fr Kramer only quoted Dan 9 twice and once it was in connection with the end of the First Woe (Apoc 11:1-2). Apoc 11:1-2 he says has to do with the restoration of the church and not the restoration of the physical temple in Jerusalem. You could also say the 70 Weeks points to the restoration of the temple of Christ’s Body (Matt 26:61) since the end of Daniel’s 490 Years ends with Christ’s Resurrection. Pentecost is also at the end of Daniel’s 490 years, the birth of the Church, which also “Restored” Israel because the church became the “New Israel” (Apoc 7:4, James 1:1). Fr. Kramer didn’t dwell on Daniel 9 probably because these restorations either were fulfilled with the Coming of Christ or with the restoration of the church to come.

The following are my interpretations of their interpretations:

Seventy Weeks in Daniel


Traditional View

Decree of Artaxerxes to Darius until the Death and Resurrection of Christ is 490 years (457bc + 490 years = 33ad)
(This is the traditional Catholic View)

Dispensationalist View - Scofield

3 Steps:

(1) 49 years (7 weeks) = time Ezra and Nehemiah rebuilt Jerusalem

434 years (62 weeks) = 62 x 7 = 434 years = added to time to rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah

483 years (69 weeks) = beginning of rebuilding of Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah (decree of Artaxerxes (454bc-444bc) to the coming of the Messiah (0ad-33ad)

49+434=483 = 454bc+483=29ad

(2) Indeterminate period (Gap)- 2,000+ years
During this Indeterminate Period are two events:
First Event (33ad) = Crucifixion takes place here after the 62 weeks (434 years) - it doesn’t say when but just after the 62 years
Second Event (70ad) = Destruction of the Temple
After these two events there is an indeterminate period of time - a period not fixed - 2,000+ years

(3) 7 Years (7 weeks) - Great Tribulation

49+434+7=490 years

Dispensationalist View - Dr. Ice

Decree of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah (Neh 2:1-8) to the Death and Resurrection of Christ is 476 years

* Dr. Ice calculates this in 3 steps:

(1) March 5, 444 b.c. + 476 years (69 weeks) = March 30, 33 a.d. (the Crucifixion) (69 x 7 x 360 = 173,880 days/365 = 476 years)
(Chuck Missler has 445bc +476 years = 32ad = Christ’s triumph into Jerusalem)
My Comment: It sure looks like both of these are off a year (444+33=477, 445+32=477 instead of 476). I guess it really doesn’t matter. If I’m wrong on this please let me know.

(2) Gap? = Time between the Death and Resurrection of Christ and the Tribulation - The Church Age (time between the 69th week and the 70th week)

(3) 70th Week = 7 Year Tribulation

A Third View

The time from when Gabriel prophecies to Zachariah in the Temple (begins at Luke 1:11) to the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Luke 2:22-35) = Seventy Weeks = 490 days [my comment: This is a restoration since Christ entered the temple for the first time and revealed Himself as a light to all nations, to both the Jews and gentiles (Luke 2:32)].

Dr. Taylor Marshall quotes this view from Father Ryan Erlenbush:

In this case 70 Weeks equals 490 days instead of 490 years

It starts with Gabriel’s Prophecy which is in Dan 9:21 and Luke 1:19. These are parallel verses. I’ve discussed Dan 9 and now I will discuss Luke 1-2.


The time from when Gabriel prophecies to Zachariah in the Temple (begins at Luke 1:11) to the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Luke 2:22-35) = Seventy Weeks = 490 days

(I know I probably went way too far with these calculations but I wanted to see what the actual total would be. Dr. Marshall rounded these numbers off and simplified these calculations.)

Gabriel’s prophecy starts when
Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant when Mary conceived (25 weeks):
Sept (5 days)
Oct (31 days)
Nov (30 days)
Dec (31 days)
Jan (31 days)
Feb (28 days)
March (25 days)
5+31+30+31+31+28+25 = 181/7 = 25.85

Mary was pregnant 9 months (39 weeks):
March 25-31= 7 days
April (30 days)
May (31 days)
June (30 days)
July (31 days)
August (31 days)
September (30 days)
October (31 days)
November(30 days)
December (25 days)
7+30+31+30+31+31+30+31+30+25 = 276/7 = 39.42

Christ presented at Temple 40 days after birth (6 weeks)
Dec (6 days)
Jan (31 days)
Feb (2 days)(Feb 2 is the actual feast day of the Presentation in the church)
6+31+2 = 39/7 = 5.57

Total = 25.85 + 39.42 + 5.57 = 70.84 weeks = 70 weeks


Active Member
I think you’re saying that Newton calculated that date. If he did that is Interesting!
I think I see your point. To me it doesn’t matter that the date is exact. Maybe it should, I don’t know. There is a lot a don’t know. Have you done any of these calculations?


Well-Known Member
I think you’re saying that Newton calculated that date. If he did that is Interesting!
I think I see your point. To me it doesn’t matter that the date is exact. Maybe it should, I don’t know. There is a lot a don’t know. Have you done any of these calculations?
In order to be saved, ignorance of detail truths do not matter. But if there is no possible way for Jesus Christ to have actually died and risen from dead Christianity would then be the worse of all the "false" religions. 1 Corinthians 15:17-19.

The three fold evidence of the resurrection of Christ


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