In some ways I have to agree with Windcatcher. I personally, could care less what the Catholic church has to say or think. I think that its sad that they are missing the point.
Its a tough call, but I also agree with Matt. If were was the parent of that 9 year old girl who was raped, here's how my thought process would work:
Can my daughter safely have the baby?
If the answer is yes, then she will have the baby. My concern would be how this would affect her. If my daughter could safely have the baby, I would ensure that happens. If we are financially unable to support another child, giving the baby up for adoption would be the best solution.
If the answer is no, you still have to consider how this will affect her. Aborting a baby is not an easy choice. You have to decide whether or not to risk your daughter's life to have the baby.
If there is ABSOLUTELY N
THER ALTERNATIVE to safely have the baby, then I would have my daughter's pregnancy aborted. I wouldn't want to risk having two dead children on my hands.
After that, I would have to have a funeral. That was a life that was snuffed out.
The person that raped that girl deserves the maximum penalty allowed by law & then some. All I could say is if it were my daughter that was raped, the person that did it had better hope the police gets him before I do.