Actually, in spite of the knowledge that they believed even in His name, they did not continue to have that faith, because doing the works of catholicism voided that faith in Him.
When one truly believes they will not lose that belief, and God has granted them eternal life which cannot become temporal. If it could Christ would be a liar. (John 10:28)
Not true. The demons cannot die, but can only be sentenced to the second death, and so they are unlike you, because now is the time of salvation before you as among the living, dies, to receive judgment in the eternal.
First, don't deny my testimony. I believed as a Catholic. It was intellectual. I even trembled at the thought of going to Hell at times. But since the RCC does not preach the gospel, that is how the gospel can save you, then I wasn't saved. The mere facts of the gospel do not save!!
Second, the devils do believe and tremble. They know the outcome--outer darkness in the Lake of Fire for all eternity (Rev.20:10). They are not illiterate. But they are deceived. They have "faith in" their leader, deceived that he will overcome God and be the leader or god of this universe (Satan). Read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28).
Let's examine how a person is saved even for believing in His name and examine how a person is NOT saved for not believing in His name..
John 3:18 -21
I read His words as saying that because the sinner loves his evil deeds rather than come to the light to believe in Him to be reproved of their evil deeds, he would not even believe in His name, because our even believing in His name is a work of God Himself.
Does not the Father draw all men unto the Son ( John 6:44 ) ? Is it not the Father that reveal His Son to sinners so they can believe even in His name? Matthew 11:25-27
So our believing in Him, even in His name is a work of God Himself as John 3:18-21 testifies that He would not even bother drawing sinners that loves their evil deeds rather than come to Him so thus He will not draw them to the Son to enable them to believe in Him, even in His name.
Not true. There is no one that God cannot save or would not save. Are you (or anyone) so evil you cannot come to God? Would it have been possible for Hitler, for example, to come to Christ in spite of all his evil deeds? Is there anyone that God cannot save? No.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
--The invitation is there for all. Come unto me ALL ye that labor... Christ will accept anyone who comes.
Not every saved believer after having been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ will continue to live that reconciled relationship with Jesus Christ, even though He still abides in them.
Not true. Every believer has a relationship that they will never lose.
Jesus said; 'You must be born again." Like it is in real life, when one is born, they cannot be unborn. That is an absurd concept. When born into God's family it is impossible to be "unborn" out of his family.
These are two very important statements showing why the above is true:
1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
--We know that we have a relationship with Christ because we are obedient.
--The person that says he is a believer and is not obedient is a liar and the truth is not in him. He is a pretender, a fake. He never was a true believer in the first place. The true believer can never lose his salvation. He is obedient to Christ.
I believe that no one can lose their salvation too, because of John 6:39, but not every saved believer will be found abiding in Him as His disciple to be received as a vessel unto honor in His House.
A saved believer is a disciple, a follower of Christ. How can a believer be not saved, not following Christ?
The first inheritance is to be received as a vessel unto honor in His House to attend the Marriage Supper; and so any saved believer not looking to Him for help to depart from iniquity, can run the risk of being left behind. Paul said this was a possibility and not just the loss of rewards of crowns in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 by becoming a castaway.
There is no such thing as a saved believer and an unsaved believer. Either a person is a believer or not.
All believers will be raptured. No believer will be left behind. Where do you get such an idea?
A loss of rewards takes place in heaven after the rapture (1Cor.3:11-15).
When Paul referred to himself as a possible "castaway," he was referring to himself being put out of the ministry by disqualification. Such is the case today by those preachers who fall into immorality and must be removed from the pulpit, for example.
There is such a thing as a saved believer not found abiding in Him as His disciple, and thus becoming a castaway to be received later on as a vessel unto honor in His House after the great tribulation.
No there is not. Obviously you don't understand the passage in 1Cor.9:27. I just explained it to you. It doesn't affect anyone's salvation. All believers are saved.
This is the cost of not trusting Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd in helping us to follow Him as His disciple.
If one has never trusted Christ they are not saved. If one is not following Christ they ought to examine themselves to see whether or not they are saved.
John 15:4 -6; Luke 12:40 -49
So a saved believer can be punished for not being ready. Do note how even cut asunder, the servant is still His servant, but receiving stripes.
First, in Luke 12, note that it is a parable and not everything in a parable is to be taken literally.
Parables are "earthly stories meant to teach heavenly truths." Those truths are usually just one or two in number, and not everything is to be allegorized.
The parable is against the nation of Israel who have rejected the offer of the Kingdom. The religious leaders were supposed to have been properly managing the affairs of the nation until Christ came. But they weren't. The Kingdom had come to them in the person of Christ. Verses 47 and 48 seem to refer to the leaders of Israel.
In general one might say that unbelievers with a great knowledge of the revelation of God's Word will have to answer for their response to God's Word.
I am saying that even by believing in His name as that is the work of God Himself, they are saved, BUT because of the works of catholicism, they are building on that foundation, works that deny Him that the foundation has been laid even though it still was laid.
And you are speaking falsely. I know this from experience both inside the RCC and from my experience outside the RCC. They do not believe the gospel and therefore are not saved. They do not believe "in his name." Rather they believe "facts." And their salvation is by works, not by grace through faith.
There is no salvation in the RCC. Their theology is contrary to what the Word of God teaches.
If you read 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 , you will find how God will judge every believer in that day when He will judge His House first ( 1 Peter 4:17 ) whereas even if they only built wood, stubble, and hay, works of iniquity that defiled the temple of God, ( that temple being their body 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ) they will suffer the punishment of a physical death, but they will still be saved 1 Corinthians 3:15 & Revelation 2:21-23.
God will only judge believers, and it is a day of rewards and loss of rewards, nothing to do with salvation. Those who have not put their trust in Christ will not be there. Those who adhere strictly to RCC doctrine (baptismal regeneration, etc.) will not be there.
A trusting believer depending on Jesus Christ as his or her personal Good Shepherd will be His disciple.
A believer is a believer. He is saved and a disciple of Jesus.
It is because the Catholic Church does not preach the truth is why saved believers are having a hard time trusting Jesus no only as their Saviour that the are saved for simply believing in Him but also as trusting Him as their Good Shepherd in helping them to follow Him personally.
All believers are saved. Those who believe in Catholic doctrine cannot be saved for they are trusting both their baptism and the RCC to save them and not Christ. Therefore they are NOT believers.
As long as the Catholics believe God placed RCC on earth to serve in the place of Christ, they will always be the disciple of the RCC in following the RCC.
True. That makes them disciples of the RCC, and unbelievers in Christ, no matter what they may say.