HP: Here is one for Jon-Marc. :wavey:
I dare Baptists like DHK to jump on this outrageous statement. If this statement alone does not gong your dinger to something being amiss with the notion that all ones sins have been literally paid for, or that ones formed intents have nothing to do with ones salvation, your head is made of stone or possibly even a harder element.
What is wrong with your thinking HP? Some prejudice no doubt.
Homosexuality is condemned in the Bible. So is adultery, fornication, bestiality, witchcraft, rebellion of any sort, lying, stealing, cheating, murdering, lust, covetous (which the Bible says is idolatry), and a host of other sins.
It also considers all sins equal, for "sin is a transgression of the law."
However, the consequences of various sins may be different especially on this earth. Some may require jail time; others do not, for example.
At salvation, all sins are put under the blood of Christ. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." That means
none! No condemnation! I hope you get that. Regarding a believer's salvation there is no condemnation, and can never be. God does not lie. All our sins are forgiven and are under the blood, as far as our salvation is concerned.