We gained 20 MILLION members. Fact. Did Baptist gain 20 million members? No, they lost thousands! Don' t give me, 'how much did the population grow?' Your Baptist Churches are still losing members. Your pews are emptier. Lots of them are finding there ways into our Catholic Churches here in my town.
You really seem to be hung up on numbers, Lori.
Since when do we measure truth by how many people believe in something?
I find it interesting that you keep bragging about how many people are alledgedly flocking to the Catholic Church and how many are allegedly leaving Christianity (all the while, completely ignoring the fact that your claims have been debunked), when Jesus said that it's the gate to destruction that's wide and the gate to life that's narrow.
As I said, good by. I hope you visit fair blog sites where Catholic and protestants are allowed to voice opinions without being accused of proselytying. Johndeerfan got banned because he was rude, obnoixtious, slanderous, and mocking.
No, actually, the message that comes up when I try to log in is:
"Your account has been locked for the following reason:
Proselytizing and promotion of beliefs contrary to Catholicism
This change will be lifted: Never"
So, as usual, your charges are false.
In fact, I invite anyone who's interested there to look up my posts and tell me which one of them are "rude, obnoixtious, slanderous, and mocking".
Calls peoples fools and I'm surprised the moderators let him continue to post here. Bet he wouldn't have got away with it if he was doing it to others that didn't sypathize with the Catholic Faith.
I don't know if you're aware of this, but the Bible calls people fools. So does Jesus.
DarronSteele said:The brother whom you just smeared is someone you do not know. You have no idea what he does in regular life. The main thing I have seen him do here is speak up for the slandered. God, which would mean Jesus, said before Incarnation at Isaiah 61:8 "For I the LORD love justice" and at Micah 6:8 "It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God" (JPS 1917). Johnv has spoken up for those being smeared in his time here. Despite the errors of Roman Catholicism, he has followed the "Blessed are the merciful" that Jesus said here on this earth. He has followed a desire to see Catholics being treated fairly despite their errors, loving justice and mercy just as the Lord does.
You, in contrast to what Jesus wants from us, are most noticed for what and whom you HATE. If you love anyone, I sure cannot tell. The opposite goes with your every post right now, as your current signature airs your ill feelings for three people: Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Joel Osteen. I know you hate Catholics, as you persist in smearing them for beliefs and practices they do not have. You have shown no compassion and no mercy: it may be false witness, but if you think you can pull it off, you will post it. It is apparent that you have no use for Johnv, as clear from the above gratuitous shot. I read about what Jesus said He wanted in His followers, and I see anything but that in you.
I dare say that you just reviled the better Christian -- if being how Jesus wants us to be is the main criteria for that, and assuming that we are going with what the Bible actually says about that.
If that's your opinion, then so be it. I'd rather be thought of as "hateful" by you for telling the truth, than to be thought of as disobedient by God for not telling the truth.
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