Have You Been to Inner City Skidrows Recently???
Turn a person away that is in need.. and you will be judged for it...
I do not disagree with this statement. Nor do I disagree with your view of America and it being rich and greedy. It's just that you forgot to mention that not only is this nation filled with rich, greedy folks, but it is filled to the brim, and overflowing with corruption.
We are seeing the kind of greed and corruption that has put millions of hard-working Americans out of work, permanently, in most cases. The kind of greed and corruption that have caused the American dream of owning a home on Main Street out on the street.
Greed and corruption has bailed out banks and American auto makers, but, not lifted a finger to keep Americans working, and under the roofs of homes they have lived in for most of their lives.
That said, I just can't see how you and you and our elected officials can justify giving the very shirt off-the-back of Americans who are in the front of that line of suffering, hungry and impoverished people???
A nation that doesn't fix its own problems shouldn't and can't be expected to help fix the problems of other nations and people if they neglect their own,
and at this time in history, our nation is turning a deaf ear to its very own people each time they pass "Dream Act" bills and Amnesty laws.
You really mean well TT. I have heard you impassioned pleas and words in past posts, and I don't disagree with you. It's just that with our nation being in a position that is far worse than it was during the great depression, well, I think you have your priorities mixed up. .
Again, you are right about this nation being judged, but it won't be for being niggardly and tightfisted. It will be for forgetting its own citizens by not enforcing the laws established by our forefathers. Immigration laws were put in place for a reason. And that reason was to make sure our resources were not overwhelmed and our borders over-ran by people who have decided that they want to live here, even it it means breaking laws and regulations.
We have been so generous with our nations wealth and welfare, especially when it comes to illegal immigrants. However, while we've been more than hospitable,
we have totally turned our back on those who should be the first to receive the aid and charity being doled out.
I know you will disagree with me, so save yourself and your fingertips the time and energy of responding. We all know your position. I just had to toss in my two cents.
Thanks for letting me rebut your views. We are just on different sides of the border line, so-to-speak! :smilewinkgrin:
Pastor Paul