As we know, the Gifts of the Spirit are covered in 1 Cor 12 and 1 Cor 14. As I understand it, the usual argument for Cessationism is from 1 Cor 13:8 where gifts of prophecy will be done away, tongues will cease, and knowledge will be done away. I believe that Paul means that whatever events were prophesied, spoken in tongues about, and special knowledge of will come to pass, not that the gifts themselves will pass away. Obviously, Love is superior to all the gifts Paul spoke of, but then he picks up on the subject of the gifts in what we know as 1 Cor 14. He specifically tells us to "pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy."
Having said all that, I will be the first to admit that the way the gifts are supposedly used in many churches doesn't seem to be Biblical.
1 Corinthians 13:8 is where Paul uses carefully the voices of the verbs to demonstrate that something will terminate "knowlege" and "prophecy" but tongues will cease of itself and will cease prior to what terminates "knowlege" and "prophecy". We know that because in verse 9-10 tongues is dropped from the discussion of what comes to terminate "knowlege" and "prophecy." Furthermore, verses 11-12 uses two analogies that demonstrate tongues has already ceased prior to that which is "perfect" (neuter gender - not Christ) is come.
The first analogy is of physical growth where talking like a child (babbling) has been put way prior to being considered reaching maturity.
In the second analogy the brass mirror is inferior revelation of yourself compared to being able to see yourself by your own eyes.
In both analogies maturity and clearer revelation characterize the arrival of "that" which is "perfect."
It is during the period Paul describes as "now" (the apostolic age) where this immature revelation exists but "then" is when this mature revelation arrives where "knowledge" and "prophecy" is no longer needed. With the absence of matured or completed written revelation concerning the proper worship service, Paul dealt with the worship service using the principles of love (12:31;14:1) in keeping with loves characteristics (ch. 13:1-8). Hence, "now" in the apostolic age where no mature written revelation existed as final authority Paul uses the characteristics of love to provide guiding principles to determine the proper use of gifts in the worship service and then claims that this present writing is God's Word to them (1 Cor. 14:37-38). Remember, in these characteristics of love is not only the principle that love "vaunteth not itself" that love is inclusive of both faith and hope (beleiveth all things, hope all things" within the boundaries of truth). So, love/charity abideth now and will continue abide "then" when that which is incomplete (partial revelation) is brought to completeness (finished written revelation) as charity "abideth forever" both "now" and "then."
The term "knowledge" must be interpreted with "prophecy" as these were both revelatory gifts necessary for the edification of the early churches because they were without any written revelation dealing with New Testament Christianity.
Secondly, revelatory gifts and sign gifts must be intepreted according to their divine purpose revealed in scripture (1 Cor. 14:19-22). In specific, tongues were designed for "this people" or the Jewish people (Isa. 28:11-15) as a sign that the Messiah had come, not designed for use in church but on the missionary field where Paul went to the "Jew first" in the dispersia where their home tongues were different than Hebrew, and so Paul spoke in tongues more than them all with regard to RIGHT BIBLICAL PURPOSE.
Thirdly, Isaiah 8:16-20 is prophetic of the completion of Biblical revelation. This is a Messanic prophecy inclusive of apostolic signs and wonders involved in bringing about this completed revelation. This is what Jesus is talking about in John 15-17. This is what Peter is talking about in 1 Peter. 1:15-21; This is what Paul is talking about not only in 1 Cor. 12:8-13 but in 2 Tim. 3:16-17; and what John identifies as completed by his last book which is the "testimony" of Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:3) sealed (Rev. 22:17-19) as a completed revelation extending from the time of the last living apostle (now) to (then) the New heaven and earth.
Finally, the Biblical gift of tongues is known human dialects (Acts 2:3-11) not designed for believers (1 Cor. 14:21) but for learned unbelievers (Jews).
What is practiced today is nothing other than what is practiced by the 12 apostles in the Mormon church, practiced by Hindu's and nearly all other world religions - ecstatic utterances.