Agreed on a couple of points. Obviously, He is not the author of confusion. I regard Benny Hinn as a charlatan. As Mama would say, "let's not throw out the baby with the bath water". Sure, many do pervert the gospel, and even try to make it a requirement to speak in tongues, etc. That doesn't mean that the gifts of the Spirit are not for today, but it clearly shows that these gifts are not understood.
You are simply parroting their response to proven false prophets among them - ALL their leading well known prophets have been proven to be false prophets - every single one of them. May I ask you "can a clean thing come out of an unclean, NOT ONE". What kind of spirit empowers such false prophets and leads people to follow them???
Benny Hinn was not rejected by ANY ASPECT of Pentecostalism in his hey day as they all bought his books. I bought his books and studied them very intently. Benny Hinn was the one UNIFYING person among Pentecostals, Charismatics, and latter rain right up until he made such obvious false prophecies and then only SOME renounced him.
Matthew 24:24-25 specifically warns against false prophets who would show great signs and wonders. I don't believe this speaks of the gifts of the Spirit, but of lying wonders similar to Pharoah's magicians.
Of course the power is from Satan as is proved by their FALSE DOCTRINE! But Satan has REAL power not FAKE power.
Those that are teaching according to Scripture are, by definition, teaching according to the Holy Spirit.
Using Bibical language means NOTHING! It is the MEANING applied to Biblical languague that determines truth from error. The overwhelming vast majority of tongue speakers denounce grace (its meaning) and embrace (works = which they call grace). All who reject eternal life = meaning life presently in possession that does not end actually beleive in justification by works even though they deny it and call what they believe "grace."