Remarkable patience has been extended to your rants. TCassidy nor anyone else is to blame for your attitude, you own it by yourself.
However, I observe that your discomfort comes more from finding your own view successfully challenged and your not yet willing to modify some areas. That “resistance to reorder” (my term) is strong enough that it can become obstinate. You claim that others lied, are not conformed to the Scriptures when you have been the one found in error. You are obstinate and opposed to Scripture truth. Just as I demonstrated with Ephesians, you can’t handle the truth, but hide behind your own comfort zone of disagreement.
So, the recommendation to take a break, look back over what was presented to you, and then come back more refreshed is a very good suggestion.
One other, don’t. expect to be greeted with anymore then you received from this visit. Therefore, take time to learn the truth, not some flash evangelical frothing, but serious in-depth knowledge of what you are uncomfortable in at this time yet is Scripturally sound.
Read from Charles H. Spurgeon and from John Albert Broadus. One regularly preached to over 5000 people each Sunday in England, the other the greatest (to date) American preacher and President of Southern Baptist Seminary. No matter the theological view, these two have been recognized as truth bearing giants.
Out of respect for full disclosure:
Some two years after Broadus’ first wife died in 1857, he married a woman who bore him more children. One of the daughters was Ella, who became wife of A. T. Robertson who taught and mentored my grandfather.
Sadly, I was young, foolish, too interested in my own world, and far to headstrong to listen to the reflections of my grandfather.
I trust you will be far wiser then me!