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Chip implants and the anti-christ


New Member
Hey Johnv but what if our C4K is right on his guess? That would be interesting wouldn't it?

quote by C4K
Wow! With this kind of conjecture, guesswork, and presupposition even a dummy like me can figure it out.

Let me see -

November 29, 1947 (as good a date as any I suppose) plus a 70 year generation (thats as good a guess as any I suppose)takes us to November 29, 2017.

Subtract 3 1/2 years (as good a guess as any I suppose) and we come up with a definite rapture date of May 29, 2014. Am I right?

That would mean the tribulation will start on November 29, 2010?

See, I too can be a false prophet. Since I am a pre-trib rapturist I declare a rapture date of Novemeber 29, 2010!


New Member
Originally posted by prophecynut:
Any further comments on chip implants and the Antichrist?
None. That's because there's no scriptural correlation. Speculative, yes; scriptural no.


New Member
Originally posted by prophecynut:
I don't have a theory, I have OT Scriptures confirming 2017 as the Second Coming.

All the information I sent you by e-mail apparently was too incredible for you to comprehend.
As I told you, I didn't/don't have the time to go through all your writings to endorse or refute them. And you know why I cut off our dialog. And if I remember correctly, didn't you say you developed your proof (theory) before becoming saved?
Incredible was not the word I would have used.


New Member
After I got saved and before I had a Bible I knew the year, with Scriptural confirmation coming after I got saved. You want to know what Scriptures?

Ed Edwards

<img src=/Ed.gif>
Originally posted by Johnv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by prophecynut:
I don't have a theory, I have OT Scriptures confirming 2017 as the Second Coming.
We also have Scriptures which affirm that you're a false prophet. I'd post them, but since you have demonstrated an inability to discern scripture, the point would be moot. I am therefore willing to wait it out until 2018 to prove you wrong. </font>[/QUOTE]I request your scriptures.
Not for Prophecynut, but for the rest of us (who debate
these matters elsewhere).

Note that in 1993 Clinton had Israel and the Palestine
person Arafat sign a 7-year treaty. The "Sudamn Hussian
is the Antichrist" Web Ring said the postribulation
rapature/resurrection would take place at the
expiration of the treaty about November 2000.
That date passed with no Lord showing up. (I really
hate to miss the rapture and be left behind - most
especially for a post-tribu rapture

Deut 18:20 (KJV1611 Edition):
But the prophet which shall presume to speake a word
in my name, which I haue not commanded him to speake,
or that shall speake in the name of other gods, euen
that prophet shall die.

The post-tribs can stone the 2018 prophet in 2018,
the mid-trib will soten him 3½-years earlier in
Nov 2015, we pretribs will be in line stoning him
in 2011 ;)


New Member
I think its foolish to try to predict the rapture (or tribulation, depending on what you believe will happen first). People have been trying to for years, and they are still all wrong. What makes your prediction any better than theirs?

Ed Edwards

<img src=/Ed.gif>
Originally posted by prophecynut:
After I got saved and before I had a Bible I knew the year, with Scriptural confirmation coming after I got saved. You want to know what Scriptures?

Rev 9:15 (KJV1611 Edition):
And the foure Angels were loosed, which were prepared
for an houre, and a day, and a moneth,
and a yeere,
for to slay the third part of men.

This means "the appropriate time" but is said four times
(they didn't have highlighters back then).

Mat 25:13 (KJV1611 Edition):
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day, nor the houre, wherein the Sonne of man commeth.

This means you don't know the appropriate time (the time
is set twice to add emphesis). Sorry, if you know the
year and month then you make Christ to be a liar.
Of course, anybody can guess :D

Ed Edwards

<img src=/Ed.gif>
Originally posted by kubel:
I think its foolish to try to predict the rapture (or tribulation, depending on what you believe will happen first). People have been trying to for years, and they are still all wrong. What makes your prediction any better than theirs?
Amen, Sibling Kubel -- preach it!

I liked the prediciton of wandering preacher
Vincent Ferrer (c1350-1419) who predicted
in 1399 that because there
are 2537 verses in the Psalns that the world would
end in 1399+2537 = AD 3936. This is a good prediction.
The predictor will be dead safely before that time ;)


New Member
What makes your prediction any better than theirs?
I don't have a prediction, somebody gave one long time ago.

So far Hillclimber your responses have been negative, what makes you think God will allow you to understand when scholars and theologians are at a loss?

I will e-mail them to you, but you'll need a big change of attitude for you to embrace these scriptures.


New Member
Most "experts" say the world will end or change greatly in 2012, the end of the Mayan calender. The Mayans got their info from the space aliens. &lt;G&gt;


New Member
Originally posted by billwald:
Most "experts" say the world will end or change greatly in 2012, the end of the Mayan calender. The Mayans got their info from the space aliens. &lt;G&gt;

Oh yes, I recently heard this on "Coast to Coast", at least the part about 2012, although there's plenty about aliens on that show too! ;)
Amazing what you can learn when you're awake late at night!


New Member
Originally posted by prophecynut:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Kubel
What makes your prediction any better than theirs?
I don't have a prediction, somebody gave one long time ago.

So far Hillclimber your responses have been negative, what makes you think God will allow you to understand when scholars and theologians are at a loss?

I will e-mail them to you, but you'll need a big change of attitude for you to embrace these scriptures.
</font>[/QUOTE]Why does God give yu special insight, and to no one else? I would think that if He is showing you something special, it would resonate with at least some scholars or theologians, else what is the point of his revelation?

Thank you for your email, I have as yet not gone through it, but will this AM, if possible.


New Member
God has chosen me to receive "special insight" into the prophetic Word just like he has chosen me to know Christ, I take no credit for either one. In time it will resonate with qualified personnel who will spearhead its publication.

Why is it you need someone of authority to tell you the truth, aren't you a Berean?

As I've told you before, one person at the GARBC church I attend accepts 100% the same information I've sent you, and he doesn't have degrees or alphabets attached to his name. So does our pastor but he's too chicken to acknowledge it.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Ed Edwards

<img src=/Ed.gif>
The spelling is so bad I can't even read what I wrote????

Originally posted by Ed Edwards:

I liked the prediciton of wandering preacher
Vincent Ferrer (c1350-1419) who predicted
in 1399 that because there
are 2537 verses in the Psalms that the world would
end in 1399+2537 = AD 3936. This is a good prediction.
The predictor will be dead safely before that time ;)

tamborine lady

Active Member

P-nut said:In time it will resonate with qualified personnel who will spearhead its publication.


So I take it that you are publishing a book, to make money on Gods Word??


NaasPreacher (C4K)

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by prophecynut:
God has chosen me to receive "special insight" into the prophetic Word just like he has chosen me to know Christ, I take no credit for either one. In time it will resonate with qualified personnel who will spearhead its publication.

Why is it you need someone of authority to tell you the truth, aren't you a Berean?

As I've told you before, one person at the GARBC church I attend accepts 100% the same information I've sent you, and he doesn't have degrees or alphabets attached to his name. So does our pastor but he's too chicken to acknowledge it.

Let me know if you have any questions.
What true prophet of God would publically call his pastor a chicken?


New Member
quote by prophecynut:
As I've told you before, one person at the GARBC church I attend accepts 100% the same information I've sent you, and he doesn't have degrees or alphabets attached to his name. So does our pastor but he's too chicken to acknowledge it.

I am really concerned for you P-nut.
If you would please concider what you just said in your last post. "One man accepts it". Do you mean out of the whole church? If the date you project held water then more than two in GARBC would jump in and say YEAH! Then you say "the pastor also accepts your theory, but is too chicken to admit it". You just called your pastor a chicken! WHich this raises another question.... if your pastor won't admit it how do you know? Are you a mind reader too? Please step back and reavauate what the bible is saying and what you are saying. :(
