Paul wrote his two letters to the Thessalonians, they were believers in Christ just as we are today, what is pertinent to the church in their time is also pertinent to us today.
The revealing of the Antichrist only appears in Scripture applicable to the church, it is not mentioned in the OT, Gospels or Revelation, it occurs during the dispensation of grace that began at Pentecost and ends with the rapture.
The "abomination" is mentioned in the OT, Gospels and Revelation, therefore does not occur or apply to the church as doesthe Antichrist's revealing.
2 Thess. 2 states our gathering to him will not come until "the man of lawlessness is revealed,"
he has to be revealed before we are raptured. His revealing and the completion of the third temple
before the rapture nullifies the imminency of it.
Scripture supports a pre-trib rapture but not before the Antichrist is revealed before the day of the Lord. Our rapture must occur before the day of the Lord begins but after he is revealed. The rapture is somewhere in between his revealing and that day. The rapture must occur immediately before that day of destruction in order for it to come "suddenly" and unexpectedly (Lk. 21:34) "like a thief in the night" (1 Thess. 5:2-3).