Originally posted by webdog:
I believe Bible prophecy has to be fulfilled. It wasn't until 1948 that Irael was reborn (Is. 66:8). The last 50 years or so Daniel 12:4 has come to fruition. Same with Zechariah 14:12. 1998 satelite tv was introduced, enabling Revelation 16:18 to be fulfilled. I believe we are the generation that will be called up into the clouds!
Israel becoming a nation was effective Nov. 29, 1947 when the United Nations and Israeli representatives signed on the dotted line of the resolution establishing Israel. The effective date is when the agreement is signed not somewhere down the line when it physically becomes a reality.
The rebirth or restoration of Israel according to the many OT prophecies like Isa. 66:8 will not be fulfilled until after the Second Coming: "For as soon as Zion travailed (Jacob's trouble), she brought forth her children (the "elect" brought back to the Land at the Second Coming, Mt. 24:31).
When Christ returns God "will extend peace to her like a river" (v.12), this will be fulfilled during the Millennium, not now. During the Millennium God will "gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see my glory," not now (v.18). "All mankind will come and bow down before me," not now (v.23). Scriptures that speak of the current ingathering of Jews are: Zep. 2:1-2; Eze. 22:17-22, 38:8, 39:27.
Fulfillment of Dn. 12:4 is not now, during the Tribulation "many shall run to and fro" to increase knowledge of the prophecies sealed in the scroll when fulfilled during the "time of the end" or the "great tribulation" (Rev. 7:14). The length of this time is a "time, times, and a half" or 3.5 years of the second half of the 70th week (Dn. 12:7).
All of Zec. 14 is fulfilled during the "day of the LORD" verse 1, and not now.