Originally posted by Sonjeo:
That is odd because the reason some put them in children and pets is in order to locate them.
A dog can't be identified by the rf chip unless that animal is taken to a shelter that has rf reader technology. A shelter worker must take an rf wand (like the metal detector wands at airports) and run it over the animal. Only then can the rf chip be detected. The RF chip itself gives off no signal and has no power whatsoever. The way the chip works is that, when a radio wave runs over it, the chip reflects the wave back in a specific harmonic. RF chips are only identifiable when exposed to strong radio waves at close range (a few feet or inches). Have you ever bought clothes and set off a detector on the way out of the store? That's an rf chip. Once you leave the store, you're too far away from the detector (you have to be 2 feet or less from it).
Not at all since the topic involves the anti-christ which I would call a dark regime.
Why is it that American Christians are always americacentric? What makes us think that it's the US in the center of end times prophecy? Sounds rather egotistic, doesn't it?
That same thing has been claimed by people for 2000 years. In fact, people in the 70's were "predicting" that the end would come in the next 30 or 40 years. Well, it's 30 to 40 years later, and they've all been shown to be wrong. Just ask Hal Lindsey, who was HUGE in the 70's. And he's STILL on TV. Go figure.I believe certain signs put the end close but I think there is flexiblity of a hundred years or so, imho.