I believe He was crucified on Wednesday, the preparation day for the Passover. He was taken down because the Sabbath day was approaching. Not the regular weekly Sabbath but the High Holy Day of a special Sabbath, the first day of Passover. They ladies stayed home and celebrated the Passover meal.
On Thursday the ladies went shopping for the materials to "embalm" His body. When they were finished it was too late to go to the tomb.
They stayed home on Saturday because it was the regular weekly Sabbath.
On Sunday morning, before sunup, "as it began to down toward the first day of the week" they arrived at the tomb (in this case the word "day" means the daylight portion of the day, just as we see in Genesis 1:5), but he was already gone. The weekly Sabbath had ended at sundown the day before and He arose on the first day of the week, which was from sundown on what we call Saturday to sundown on what we call Sunday.
72 hours. Three days and three nights in the tomb.
This is actually fairly simple to understand once we lay aside the old Catholic myths and traditions and just read the bible with understanding.