"My choice
not to vote, however, is more than choosing which tradition to follow—it’s fundamental to my faith. Let me explain.
I believe God is sovereign over everything. He doesn’t need me, specifically, to accomplish his will.
He doesn’t need you to accomplish his will. . .
God is sovereign over everything and he doesn’t need my measly vote in order to push forward his purposes on this earth.
However, God does invite us to participate in his work of reconciliation.
While God does not
need us, God
wants us to be a part of pushing forward his purposes. And although we commonly use this as an excuse for voting, it’s actually foundational for why I don’t vote. . .
If it is possible to help push forward God’s purposes through legislature, then it’s also possible to push for his enemy’s purposes through legislature. And I don’t want to be a part of that.
Now I have heard people try to argue that God
allows us to be involved in politics. But I would submit that even there we are stretching to find biblical basis for it. Many of the verses used are not actually talking about pushing forward political ideas and influencing political structures as a means of advancing the Kingdom of God.
Why I Don’t Vote (and probably never will) - Unfeigned Christianity