I've never heard of anyone who is talking about anything BUT homosexual "sleeping" arrangements. When two men come in to order a wedding cake for themselves, I think the public at large understands what their "sleeping" arrangements either are or will be.
What's their sleeping arrangements got to do with baking them a cake? Are you gonna ask the unmarried male and female who come in for a cake if they are fornicating?
It is not against God's law for two straight people who are fornicating to get married. In fact, the Old Testament commanded it. The law said, "you "sleep" together, you get married."
You and others have all but said that the two gay folks sleeping together is the reason why you're not baking the cake. So I say again, BE CONSISTENT. If you've got a problem with the gay fornication, you should have a like problem with the heterosexual fornication.
That's exactly what she DID say in stating that she did not, as a Christian, support gay marriage.
No it's not. According to the story, she said it's against her religious beliefs in response to catering a gay wedding. So again I ask, what religious belief? God's word doesn't say anything about cooking for a gay wedding.
Well, if a "philandering heterosexual adulterer marriage act" comes onto the legal scene, she can address that issue if she wants to.
She's in the food service business. They've already been in her restaurant and I'm sure she served them food. Is that against her religious beliefs too?
When one places that same sex plastic couple on top of the cake and places that cake in a box with his/her name on it and drives to the venue in a truck with his/her name on it and attends briefly to deliver the cake, they are speaking that they are in agreement with the "sleeping" arrangements of the same sex couple.
You mean like when one steps into the ballot box and pushes the button for President for someone who rejects Jesus Christ is speaking that they are in agreement with that person rejecting Jesus Christ?
Yes. Yall can't have it both ways when it comes to one thing being being viewed as tacit approval for wrong doing while vigorously opposing something else as being tacit approval for wrong doing.
So make up your collective minds and be CONSISTENT.
And they turned on him like pit bulls.
As illustrated by HIS behavior, how they respond to your compassion is not as important as the fact that you were selflessly compassionate.
Providing a miraculous meal so that they could understand who he was cannot be compared with baking cakes for the public at large.
Sure it can unless it doesn't meet your agenda. As a Christian, you are a representative of Christ. we love because He first loved us. We're compassionate because He has shown us the ultimate compassion. We serve because He served us. He didn't place any religious belief stipulation on serving us.