"I worked in the oil field, and I knew many geologists, bug men, sample catchers, mud engineers, petroleum engineers that had NO belief in evolution.
I also knew Engineering professors that did believe in God and His creation."
This leads to an interesting point. But first I must digress. Whatever opinion these people had of evolution, it really is a fallacious appeal to authority to discuss their opinions of evolution itself. They have no expertice in the subject. It is like taking a poll to decide authoritively whether ghosts exist or not.
But there is an interesting point buried here. Geology. There is something I would like to know. The field geologists, the guys that study the geology and tell the companies where to spend their millions drilling, I would like to know about their techniques. I don't even really care to know what they individually thought ofthe age of the earth.
I want to know about their methodology used to find oil. Did any of these guys use theories from flood geology, in contradiction to standard geology, to find oil? Or, when the money is on the line, trust what their old earth geology professors told them?
Oil companies have no dog in the fight. They do not care how the oil got their. They just want to find it. And I'd be willing to bet that most oil is found using traditional, old earth geology. I would imagine that someone who suggested they could find oil by ignoring this tradition and instead promised to find oil based on flood geology would have a difficult row to hoe.
I might be wrong. You might even have an anecdote or two. But I bet on the whole that I am right on.