Can you be a Christian as well as an evolutionist?
I did not vote, because there is no choice that matches what I know and hold about the subject.
First, can one be a Christian and an "evolutionist?" If you are defining evolutionist as a pure naturalist -- one who holds to a fully mechanistic and naturalistic means for the cosmos, and all life within it to come about -- then no. It is impossible for a Christian to also be an "evolutionist, for that would mean setting aside the tenets of a supernatural Divine Being that we all hold in common, and as expressed in the Scriptures.
Second, can one be a Christian and hold certain "evolutionary tenets?" I would have to say, yes, but with qualification. I believe that we can find AMPLE evidence that evolution exists. The modification of species by the gradual change in their cell structure based on environmental factors, genetic defects that are passed along, etc., are all amply demonstrated. Even the uber-conservative Genesis Museum holds to this sort of evolutionary evidence. We see it every day -- breeds of dog, cat, cow, horse, etc., etc., etc., and yes, even humans, who are now different due to genetic changes.
This level of evolution is called "micro" evolution. While a dog or a cat or a cow may change into different size and appearance factors over time with genetic selection, they are yet -- ALWAYS -- dog, cat, etc. A dog does not become a cat, nor does a mud puddle become a man.
Third, there is another level of evolution called "macro" evolution, whereby those small genetic changes that make for differing species are held to also allow for the potential of that creature (plant, animal, human, virus, etc.) to become SOMETHING ELSE. We do not hold to that level of evolution, for God tells us plainly that all things will reproduce according to "kind."
I believe that we go off the deep end when considering this issue, largely because of the loaded (and poorly defined) terms. We hear the "E" word and have a similar reaction to people of color when the "N" word is applied. The term "evolution" is not a dirty word. We can learn about it, properly apply what we observe in nature alongside what it is that God reveals, and hold the tenets that do not violate God's Word or our faith in a supernatural Creator.
By the way, science has currently struck out (for the most part -- they are still trying and spending a LOT of our $$$) in their efforts to demonstrate how life could have arose by chance in a purely naturalistic means. That in large part is what is driving their effort to find extra-terrestrial life, either on some of the planets in our own solar system or farther into the cosmos. They have invented a mult-verse scenario whereby a First Cause to the cosmos seems to be eliminated (I say "seems" because they have not really eliminated the need for a First Cause, they have only pushed back the purported boundaries to a point where they can NEVER be tested!). They have decided that life on earth must have been "seeded" (called "panspermia").
One particular movie had a great ending clip "Mission to Mars" that exemplifies one way that many in Science are looking at the origins of life on earth.
Other ways are seeding via asteroid, meteor, comet, or space dust.