You make it sound as if evolutionary theory is monolithic. It isn't. isn't...however, for ANY form of it to have been believed from the beginning, be it the Darwinian Model, or the excuses now posited by Stephen Gould of the Earth which appeals to the preposterous notions of "punctuated equilibrium"...(which is the definition of "
special pleading") no model has made Scientific sense at all.
I take it NO one on this board has been curious enough to bother trying Michael Denton's book:
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
If someone likes to tout themselves as the "intellectually curious" type....they'll actually read Denton's withering destruction of the evolutionary model from a Logical, Scientific and Anthropological perspective.
Denton destroys any Evolutionary model at it's
ROOT. That's the point of the book.....and Denton is no Christian either....he's a "Scientist" and since "Christians" aren't allowed to be "Scientists" in the perverted minds of some.........I cite you a godless Ph.D. Biologist....and (godless) M.D........who destroys your evolution pablum.
Also, in Genesis there are two creation stories and the order of creation is reversed
No....There is ONE creation account.......ONLY ONE...and Chapter two only explains the particulars of what is occurring in THE GARDEN on DAY SIX:
Chapter two sums up DAY SIX, READ IT AGAIN:
Gen 2:8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow....
that is a problem that I do not see addressed by Creationist. Again, it depends on how Genesis is interpreted.
I will address it...and directly.................. Genesis TWO is a recap of that latter portion of day SIX.....and it is exclusive to the GARDEN......
Has this escaped your knowledge for all these years!!!! Just
read the text.
Why does Everyone who arrogantly THINKS!!! that Genesis is to read
verse 8
But be that as it may and I realize that you disagree, there is no conflict between theistic evolution and the Bible.
There is a conflict..... God isn't stupid ....People who are too intent on dismissing God's account don't understand that God covered your objection a
gazillion years ago by clearly explaining that what he performed in CHAPTER TWO.....was something unique to
mastering the first 10 chapters of the Bible goes a LONG way to understanding the rest of the book.
until will make false statements like "there are two 'creation accounts' in the Bible"...
NO...........chapter two is ONLY what happened on day 6 in greater detail...
How is it that the supra-geniuses you study from don't know this???