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Christianity & Islam


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I am not trying to convert anyone to Islam, to be clear. Christianity is a pure religion at its base.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good


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Bs. The Torah is the base of the Qur'an and the Nt. The Qur'an says specifically to believe the Evangel which is more of less the New Testament.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good
Then she brought the child to her folk carrying him; and they said, 'Mary, thou hast surely committed a monstrous thing!*Sister of Aaron, thy father was not a wicked man, nor was thy mother a woman unchaste.' S. 19:27-28

And*Mary, Imran's daughter, who guarded her virginity, so We breathed into her of Our Spirit, and she confirmed the Words of her Lord and His Books, and became one of the obedient. S. 66:12

I Imran(Quran)*Arabic/Amram(Bible spelling)*Hebrew was Aaron's and Moses father. muhammad has confused Moses and Aaron's sister Miriam for Mary. muhammad didn't know what was in the OT.
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I don't need a video. To play middle man. I am currently reading the book. It Islam is based in the Torah, or Old Testament.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good
Islam is not based on the OT. muhammed didn't know it and failed to teach it accurately. His disciples(Uthman & Bakr) didn't know it either and failed to fix the errors.

Just compare the quran to the OT. You will find all the errors listed above. Just has I showed you how muhammed confused Mary, mother of Jesus with the sister of Aaron and Moses.
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Islam is not based on the OT. muhammed didn't know it and failed to teach it accurately. His disciples(Uthman & Bakr) didn't know it either and failed to fix the errors.

Just compare the quran to the OT. You will find all the errors listed above. Just has I showed you how muhammed confused Mary, mother of Jesus with the sister of Aaron and Moses.
Look, Islam is based on the Torah just like Christianity, and Judaism. No one said the Qur'an was the same as the Old Testament.

The Torah is a less manipulated version of what most know as the Old Testament.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good

Scarlett O.

Not only is this a prophecy of the three that will be Crist, but is also saying by the faithful that the Lord may rest now and be comforted that the faithful will continue to. Faithful.

What you have quoted from the Torah is what we call Genesis 18.

This is the LORD and two angels coming to Abraham to tell him of Isaac's birth and the two angels went ahead to Sodom and Gomorrah while the LORD stayed and talked with Abraham about that city and it's destruction.

These three men are not going to become Christ. One is the LORD and the other two are angels. Read the entire passage of Genesis 18 and 19.

Scarlett O.

And the Lord said: ‘Shall I hide from Abraham that which I am doing

seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

This is a testament that states why God is hidden from men. That reason is misplaced pride. Then it goes further to say all will be one in Faith.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good

Keep reading and read in context.

Yes, the LORD said, "Should I hide what I'm about to do from Abraham?" And the LORD decided NOT to hide anything about his destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

God told Abraham everything. They had moving conversation about it. God decided NOT to hide his plans for Sodom and Gomorrah from Abraham because Abraham was going to be the father of a great nation and Abraham needed to be able to teach his people what faith is and who God is.

This passage does NOT say that Abraham was prideful and so God hid things from him.

It says just the opposite. God had very important plans for Abraham and ergo, God shared his plans for Sodom and Gomorrah with Abraham for Abraham to understand holiness and why God has to destroy evil.

This passage does not go one to say that all people will be one in Faith. It says that many people and many nations will be blessed because of Abraham. This was a spiritual idea of peoples all across the world coming to know God, in faith, as the Bible, God's Word, teaches faith.

NOT that all faiths lead to God.
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Scarlett O.

Says to seek out the pure of the world to help in God's cause.

Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating unjust gain; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people also shall go to their place in peace.’

Faith in selfless Unity through Good

Now you are in Exodus 18.

Moses had led the people out of Egypt and there was upwards to 1 -2 million of them. Moses could NOT possibly hear all the complaints and supplications these people had. It would consume his time trying to judge their daily quarrels and problems.

You are quoting Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, who advises Moses to select out of "all the people" (What people? - the Jewish people in the wilderness) and to select trustworthy men to be in charge of large groups of people so that Moses wouldn't have to do all the work.

This is about Moses delegating authority to "police" and "judge" that vast hoarde of people moving across the desert.

This is not talking about "seeking out the pure of the world" to help God to anything.

It was help for Moses to govern the people while crossing the desert so that these people would not live in chaos.
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Look, Islam is based on the Torah just like Christianity, and Judaism. No one said the Qur'an was the same as the Old Testament.

The Torah is a less manipulated version of what most know as the Old Testament.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good
The writings in the quran include many inaccuracies of the OT. How can a prophet, who doesn't know the writings of old be a trust worthy prophet?

....and what is "manipulated" in the old testament. In the Hebrew or English version?

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For other uses, see Crucifixion (disambiguation).

Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, medieval illustration from the Hortus deliciarum of Herrad of Landsberg (12th century)
If you look up crusifixion on googe The first, oldest image that comes up is very telling and prophetic. Would anyone like to discuss the implications of this ancient depiction?
It is very telling. On many levels.

Oh yeah it's from Wikipedia.
You should read the ancient Rome section.

Happy hunting. Be ever vigil, and humble.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good

Scarlett O.

Seams to be about Jesus

And Moses said unto the people: ‘Fear not; for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be before you, that ye sin not.’

This is Exodus 20:20

Mose has just given the people God's Ten Commandments and then all of a sudden the mountain starting smoking and lightening flashed and trumpets sounded and thunders sounded .....

...and those people were scared out of their britches!!!

They asked Moses for God not to speak to them directly for fear that they would die.

Moses told them to redirect that fear and that God was not there in his awesomeness to kill them, but to test them and prove them with his Ten Commandments so that this healthy and righteous "fear of the LORD" would remain before them and then they would not sin.

This isn't about Jesus.

Descriptions of the tabernicle are explanations of duality

This part is a reference to the second coming of Crist, and the unity of the three different yet same materials that will be Crist

And he made the veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; with the cherubim the work of the skilful workman made he it.

Exodus 36:35

I'm not getting where you are getting this "three men/materials that "will be Christ". Whose commentary are you reading that teaches that Christ is made up of three men or materials?

How do you get the second coming of Christ out of veils of blue, purple, and scarlet?


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Now you are in Exodus 18.

Moses had led the people out of Egypt and there was upwards to 1 -2 million of them. Moses could NOT possibly hear all the complaints and supplications these people had. It would consume his time trying to judge their daily quarrels and problems.

You are quoting Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, who advises Moses to select out of "all the people" (What people? - the Jewish people in the wilderness) and to select trustworthy men to be in charge of large groups of people so that Moses wouldn't have to do all the work.

This is about Moses delegating authority to "police" and "judge" that vast hoarde of people moving across the desert.

This is not talking about "seeking out the pure of the world" to help God to anything.

It was help for Moses to govern the people while crossing the desert so that these people would not live in chaos.

You are missing the whole thing. You asked. Through Faith I opened and read intuitively and without doubt. I read and said things that I had never imagined before. The Torah definitely has near infinite knowledge.

I couldn't repeat the things I said without reading them. Do you understand? I have read the Old Testament a couple of years ago. I comprehended most of it relatively well. I am currently reading the Torah and comprehend it quite well, although never to that level. All praise is the Lord's. I will not falter in my charge down the right path for the good of existence which is the Lord. I am sorry you feel that way. Through vigilant study and a generally right direction, you will come to light. Good luck. Thank you for your ear.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good


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The Qur'an and Torah go together like earth and water. If you have a smart phone you can download relatively accurate translations. The trick is finding the ones that only offer English as a secondary function.

It is difficult for me to describe all words of deceit, or intentional confusion/ misdirection through translation. Such is the way of evil. The words of intentional misdirection are generally within parentheses, brackets, or small crucifixes.

The added needless words are small insignificant words that look as if they are there for interpretation when they are additions meant to confuse the true of heart.
Hope that helps. Good luck.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good


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The Qur'an and Torah go together like earth and water. If you have a smart phone you can download relatively accurate translations. The trick is finding the ones that only offer English as a secondary function.

It is difficult for me to describe all words of deceit, or intentional confusion/ misdirection through translation. Such is the way of evil. The words of intentional misdirection are generally within parentheses, brackets, or small crucifixes.

The added needless words are small insignificant words that look as if they are there for interpretation when they are additions meant to confuse the true of heart.
Hope that helps. Good luck.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good
So you hold to the muslim doctrine that the Septuagint and Masorectic text is corrupt?

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Scarlett O.


You are missing the whole thing. You asked. Through Faith I opened and read intuitively and without doubt. I read and said things that I had never imagined before. The Torah definitely has near infinite knowledge.

I couldn't repeat the things I said without reading them. Do you understand? I have read the Old Testament a couple of years ago. I comprehended most of it relatively well. I am currently reading the Torah and comprehend it quite well, although never to that level. All praise is the Lord's. I will not falter in my charge down the right path for the good of existence which is the Lord. I am sorry you feel that way. Through vigilant study and a generally right direction, you will come to light. Good luck. Thank you for your ear.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good

I have missed nothing. You said that Torah proves that Christianity and Islam are the same thing.

I asked you to show me in the Torah where Christianity and Islam are the same thing.

You cited some random passages that neither spoke about Christ nor Mohammed nor world religions and gave confusing interpretations of them.

I, along with JonC, am bowing out of this discussion. You aren't hearing what anyone here is saying to you and you have proven nothing to support your stance and all roads lead to God and that all religions are saying the same thing.

Scarlett O.

I'll just leave you, pops, with one last thing to ponder.

You already know that Islam cannot be the same as Christianity or even Judaism. It does not accept either Christians or Jews as true believers. I know that you know that because three days ago you posted in the Islamic forum under their "Beautiful Quotes and Proverbs" thread this passage from the Qu'ran.


The Qur'an: Qur'an (5:51) - "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
Islam teaches by your own citing of this passage that anyone who is not Islamic is not guided by Allah and is one of the unjust people.
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I'll just leave you, pops, with one last thing to ponder.

You already know that Islam cannot be the same as Christianity or even Judaism. It does not accept either Christians or Jews as true believers. I know that you know that because three days ago you posted in the Islamic forum under their "Beautiful Quotes and Proverbs" thread this passage from the Qu'ran.


Islam teaches by your own citing of this passage that anyone who is not Islamic is not guided by Allah and is one of the unjust people.
I see you choose deception as well.

5:51. O you who believe! Do not take those particular (type of) Jews and Christians (who are enemies of Islam) for allies. They are allies of one to another (when against you), and whoso from amongst you takes them for allies, is indeed one of them. Verily, Allâh does not guide the unjust people to attain their goal.

It says particular Christians and Jews. It means the sinful ones. The ones that refuse to unify under God due to their accidental misdirection. Like I said I'm not trying to convert any one into anything. I just think that people who give there heart and soul to God should at least be allowed to know the truth that they stand for. Crist did come. He did return. He will come again and not how you think evidently. That's ok, don't take my word for it. Do some unbiased research. Read the Torah. Read the Bible.

Faith in selfless Unity through Good