Look, Islam is based on the Torah just like Christianity, and Judaism. No one said the Qur'an was the same as the Old Testament.
The Torah is a less manipulated version of what most know as the Old Testament.
Faith in selfless Unity through Good
Islam is not based on the Torah, neither is Christianity.
Islam is one of the greatest deceptions of Satan.
Mohammed received visions from demons and then the content of those visions were dictated and written down by others for Mohammed himself was illiterate.
That is the major source of the Koran. Added to it were stories Mohammed learned from some Jews that gathered in various marketplaces in towns that he and his uncle would visit. Before he started his religion or began receiving his visions he was a camel driver for his uncle, and listened to the stories of the OT from the Jews in the market. Thus we find some small references to them (not much detail) in the Koran. There are also mistakes in his accounts.
A true Muslim must promise to forsake all other religions; count all other religious adherents as infidels. Then, all infidels become his enemies, and it becomes his sworn duty to Allah to convert them to Islam, even if it means by the sword.
You are not only an advocate for Islam, in another thread you have shown your affinity with Mormonism.
Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, was a troubled teen fed up at the age of 14 with the mainline denominations. He also had visions from demons. One of them told him he could find "inspired books" in some dirt near his home (buried on a hill). That came three years later in 1827. Mormon history doesn't usually tell you that Smith was arrested in 1826 for disorderly conduct. His visions continues supposedly seeing Jesus, John the Baptist, and most of all "Moroni" the angel, whose father had buried these tablets in the fourth century.
--The common thread in both of these religions is that they are from Satan. They have their origins in demonic visions.
Christianity did not start from the Torah, it started with Christ. There were OT prophecies, but Christianity is not the faith of the Israelites. Those who want to be a Christian must trust Christ and Him alone for salvation. He alone is God, the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, eternal, immortal, the Creator of all things; He, who was, is, and forever will be, God Almighty, immutable--shares His glory with no other: no other God, person, revelation, etc. He stands alone as the one and only Triune God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. His name, as we know him, is Jesus Christ.