They don't deny Christ or that he is God and they don't say that God is the son of God. What kind of sense would that make? It clearly states that regardless of what some Christians say they are nonbelievers. It says he was the perfect messenger sent from God. The whole thing you just copied is a testament to Islam being brotherly to true believers of Christ. So I'm still not seeing how that makes them the antichrist or demonic. Do you have any better examples of Islam denying the purity of Christ?
Faith in selfless Unity through Good
Muslims reject the trinity. "People of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and attribute to God nothing except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His command that He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and in His Messengers, and do not say: ‘God is a Trinity.' Give up this assertion; it would be better for you. God is indeed just One God. Far be it from His glory that He should have a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. God is sufficient for a guardian" (Quran 4:171).
Muslims do not believe Jesus is the son of God
"Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" (Quran 112:1-4).
The Quran also states:
"Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; it is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute. It is not befitting to the majesty of God, that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be' and it is" (Quran 19:34-35).
Conclusion, I advise all posters not to respond to this poster as he denies who Jesus is.
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2 John 1:9-11)