Actually, I’m surprised that any abuse is such a big news item.
I am not defending abuse in ANY manner, but making the observation that abuse is not something that is new.
Absolutely disgusting it is that abuse has gotten a pass with a node and wink, but I find it more disgusting that some are pretending to be alarmed or in some manner surprised at the revelation.
How do folks think excess and debauchery can thrive without abuse being practiced?
Sorry for the rant, but too long perversions have been given license.
Agedman said: “I am not defending abuse in ANY manner, but making the observation that abuse is not something that is new.”
You are correct. Sexual depravity is nothing new in the Roman Catholic Church. Rebukes regarding such illicit behavior among its hierarchy and clergy maybe found in the Church Councils beginning in AD 325, the First Nicaean Council:
Canon 3
“The great Synod has stringently forbidden any bishop, presbyter, deacon, or any one of the clergy whatever, to have a subintroducta dwelling with him, except only a mother, or sister, or aunt, or such persons only as are beyond all suspicion.”
subintroducta was a female disciple. Clerical fornication was frowned upon, even when disguised as prolonged holy Bible studies. It exposed the hypocrisy of the religious orders.
The Third Lateran Council AD 1179:
Canon 11
“Clerics in holy orders, who in open concubinage keep their mistresses in their houses, should either cast them out and live continently or be deprived of ecclesiastical office and benefice. Let all who are found guilty of that unnatural vice for which the wrath of God came down upon the sons of disobedience and destroyed the five cities with fire, if they are clerics be expelled from the clergy or confined in monasteries to do penance;”
Fornication, sodomy and pedophilia were ever problematic in the Church of Rome. Such grievous sins were public knowledge, causing a backlash by its citizens who held to biblical moral principles.
The Fourth Lateran Council AD 1215:
Canon 14
“That the morals and general conduct of clerics may be better let all strive to live chastely and virtuously, particularly those in sacred orders, guarding against every vice of desire, especially that on account of which the anger of God came from heaven upon the children of unbelief, so that in the sight of Almighty God they may perform their duties with a pure heart and chaste body.”
Again, sodomy and pederasty persisted back then, as it persists to this day. Further proof of God's sovereign hardening judgment.