You have yet to show how voting in a political election is a "yoke" in biblical terms. That is a key omission on your part.
Failure for one to acknowledge the truth does not equate to the truth not being shown them. Many reject that Jesus is Lord, have they not been shown in the scriptures?
But in an election, we are not yoking with anyone. Your point may stand if you get involved in a political campaign, but not merely in a vote.
Now Larry, voting is telling a candidate that you want them to represent you in government. It is going the same dirrection.
I agree. that's my whole point is that you are separating your voting from your relationship with Christ, it seems to me. You cannot use the Bible wrongly to support your views. You can't abandon your Christianity and your civil responsibility just becuase there is no perfect candidate.
I don't know how you come to this conclusion with my post. I am the one advocating that we Christians DO NOT seperate our Christianity from politics. You are confusing me here with somebody else.
Short of Jesus Christ running for an election, I am not aware of someone who does not violate the Word of God. All votes for humans are votes for the lesser of two evils.
Come now brother, you are a pastor of God's flock. Christians are not "evil". Being a sinner by nature does not equate to running after sin nor yoking up with those who do.
Yes, and what if your vote for a third party candidate helps to elect a liberal who makes appointments to the SCOTUS that solidify Roe for another 30 years, when you could have voted for someone who may have appointed a more conservative justice? How will it sound at the JSOC to say, "Well, at least I satisfied myself"? I don't think it will sound too good.
So I must know the future to vote? I have no desire to satisfy myself in this. As I have said over and over, I desire to satisfy the Word of God in all my deeds. You are placing your vote on political rhetoric of "I will do this and I will do that if elected". We cannot know what they will really do, so our best choice is to elect a Christian and pray God will guide them.
Did anyone know G.W. Bush would pound the war drum for Iraqu? We will be judged by what we knew, not by what was unknown.
Maybe Romney will get elected in spite of my Christian vote against him and a year later get saved. Does that mean I will be judged for not voting for him since he then became a Christian? Praise God if he gets saved, but I do not fear my judgment.
God Bless! :thumbs: