This is a very damning statement for your position. You have been shown the truth that the passage to which you refer has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. We are not yoking with someone in a vote. That is not what the passage means.Failure for one to acknowledge the truth does not equate to the truth not being shown them. Many reject that Jesus is Lord, have they not been shown in the scriptures?
To some degree, yes. But not in the sense that the Bible talks about.Now Larry, voting is telling a candidate that you want them to represent you in government. It is going the same dirrection.
No, I am talking to you. You are separating your Christianity from your vote by refusing to take civil responsibility in a Christian way. I think that is wrong.I don't know how you come to this conclusion with my post. I am the one advocating that we Christians DO NOT seperate our Christianity from politics. You are confusing me here with somebody else.
I think you have a faulty doctrine of anthropology or a bad understanding of evil if you think there is anyone who is not evil. It is called sin, and even after being saved, we are still sinful.Come now brother, you are a pastor of God's flock. Christians are not "evil".
Then why misuse the word? That is not honoring to the Bible.So I must know the future to vote? I have no desire to satisfy myself in this. As I have said over and over, I desire to satisfy the Word of God in all my deeds.
You don’t know who is a Christian. You are also basing your vote on what people say. You don’t know what anyone will do when they get in office. The only thing you can go on is what they say. And you seem to be far more trusting than me.\You are placing your vote on political rhetoric of "I will do this and I will do that if elected". We cannot know what they will really do, so our best choice is to elect a Christian and pray God will guide them.
Not entirely true. We do know the kind of justices Democrats will appoint. And we know the kind of justices that people who don’t get elected will appoint.1) you do not know 100% for sure the appointments any President will make, and remember the Congress must approve as well. Was Reagan a social conservative? Did he appoint a social conservative Justice? How far did Reagan set us back with Roe v Wade?
I don’t know that Rudy is pro-murder. Being unwilling to have a law against abortion is not the same as being pro-murder. I can’t imagine I would vote for Rudy, given what I know now. But most of what I know has been gained from the BB, and as we have seen, there is some faulty information floating around here.2) you do know 100% for sure that Rudy is pro-murder. Therefor you absolutely would have blood on your hands if you yoked up with him with your vote.
If someone is unelectable, it doesn’t matter whether they have declared or not. I do know for sure who won’t win. People who can’t get enough support.3) you cannot know 100% for sure who will not win, unless you somehow have access to God's will. And please stop including those people who are not running for office, we are speaking of those who have declared the race.
[quote[4) The only selfless vote would be a vote for the candidate that follows God's word. Any other vote is self motivated.[/quote]It is not selfless if your vote contains no thought for anything other than yourself. You must think of the good of the country.
Exactly my point.Do what is right in God's eye and let the chips fall where they may.
It’s funny that you blast me for “knowing God’s will” when you turn around and pretend to know it. The fact is that you don’t know what God would say.God is not going to say.... "Larry, you should have had a pretty good idea that Rudy was going to appoint conservative justices, so you should have ignored the fact that he has appathy towards the murder of innocent babies and voted for him".... Fact verses Pretty good idea!
In the end, your position appealing to an unequal yoke is not a good use of Scripture. Vote for whomever you want, but when you vote for someone who is unelectable, it will be on your hands when the country ends up worse off than it would have been.