As a matter of fact, you did state your aim:
Harold Garvey said:
Oh, probably it should go somewhere in Luke 2, "And this was the first Christmas".
So, basically, you are advocating adding to the word of God to satisfy your own opinion and to accede to the traditions of man? Translators having to use additional words to give the meaning and sense of the original languages is one thing, but to tamper with that which God has given us...? I am truly flabbergasted.
Why stop there? I mean, if you are going to shake your fist in the face of God and tell Him He messed up and didn't put in all the stuff that should have been included in the scriptures, why not add in all the rest? Go ahead and give dates for the actual birth of Jesus. Give a date for His conception. don't forget to mention when the shopping season opens. Surely, if you are going to alter God's given word, you could go ahead and do that.
How about adding in what bible version everyone should use? That would really cut down on the confusion. Oh, and what denomination is really, really right... we could use that information for sure. What color carpet is most godly? How big a church should be? How close the pastor's parking spot should be?
Why, I would be happy if you would add in the date and time of Jesus' return. i wouldn't want to not be ready and all.