anybody got a verse that supports "no redemption for fallen angels" ?
We don't need one. If the argument you are making is that since there is no verses that expressly excludes fallen angels, thus fallen angels can be saved, you are committing a logical fallacy by making an argument from silence. You can introduce any kind of false teaching imaginable on the basis of what is not said. The Bible doesn't say that Mary was not at some point in her life, a prostitute. So, if I follow the logical pattern you are employing with fallen angels, I could make the case that since you cannot produce a verse that says that Mary was never a prostitute, then it is possible that she was. You can do that with anything. The possibilities would be endless.
If you think fallen angels can be saved, it is YOU, not us, who have the burden of proof in this discussion. YOU have to provide the evidence that warrants a change in our theology, or you need to simply concede that there is no evidence and no biblical warrant for claiming that angels can be saved.